Page 48 of You & Me: Part Two

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He stands as I reach him and he grabs my face in his hands, closes his eyes, sighs, and kisses my forehead.

“Goodnight, Gracie.”

“Night, Georgia.”



I’m surrounded by my favorite scent of vanilla and coconut—and whatever it is that makes Emily always smell like vacation—as I start to wake up. But I’m not ready to open my eyes and leave my little dreamland. As I lay here in-between sleep and being awake, her scent surrounds me and the instant replay I have going on in my mind. On a constant loop, I keep reliving having her in my arms last night. I know I have to be patient and go slow, but it’s hard when all I want to do is throw her down and ravish her. Keeping my eyes closed and hidden from the morning sun starting to peek through the blinds, I think back to last night on this very same couch with her in my arms and her lips on mine. I’m afraid if I open my eyes I’ll be back at home alone in my bed and everything from last night will end up being just a dream that will disappear.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I feel a tiny little finger tapping me on the nose and am assured that I’m not at home alone in my bed and last night was thankfully not a dream. The smell of vacation is from the pillow I slept with that must be right off of Emily’s bed. And I have a feeling the tap on my nose is from a cute as hell little blond. I think I’m in Heaven.

“Good morning, Jonafon,” Ireland whispers into my ear.

I’m lying on my side facing her and I open one eye and whisper back, “Good morning, Princess.”

“You slept over?”

“I did.”

I sure hope this is an okay conversation for me to be having with her?

“Did the Wild Things make you sleepy too?”

“They did.”

“Well, if you stay over again tonight you can use one of my stufties to sleep with so you aren’t all by yourself out here on the couch,” she says as we both continue to whisper to each other. This little girl and her big brown eyes and her sweet little smile are quite something to wake up to. She is something else.

“Ah, thanks, sweetie. Is your momma still asleep?”

“Yep, just me and Frank are up and now you!” she says loudly and then pops her adorable little hand over her mouth realizing she didn’t whisper that time.

“Shall we get up, let Frank out and then make your momma breakfast?”

“Oh yes, let’s make breakfast!”

“Okay, let me get up and get dressed and then we’ll go brush our teeth and get breakfast started. But let’s be sure to be quiet so we don’t wake up your mom okay?”

“Okay!” She runs off down the hall as I throw on my cargo shorts from yesterday and meet her in the bathroom. I use my finger to bush while she uses her pink toothbrush and we whisper as we brush and rinse. She giggles at my improvised brushing method and I can’t help but think how adorable she is and that I know exactly where she gets it.

We head to the kitchen and gather eggs, bacon and some pancake mix since Ireland has informed me she does not eat eggs. Duly noted.

We have the bacon cooking when the most adorable sight—next to the little blond helping me cook—I have ever seen walks into the room. Emily walks into the room with her hair all a mess wearing a baggy t-shirt and those damn yoga pants. She is rubbing her eyes and looks confused.

“What is going on out here you two?”

“Mommy, we’re making you breakfast!”

“You are?”

“Yep, bacon and eggs but Jonafon is making me pancakes ‘cause I don’t like the icky eggs.”

“What can I do to help?” she asks still looking confused.

“Not a thing, there’s a pot of coffee on if you want some. I can pour it for you and you can take your time waking up. Food should be done here pretty soon. Sorry if we woke you up.”

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