Page 51 of You & Me: Part Two

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Ireland has been talking and singing the entire trip but when we’re about to drive through the tunnel she reminds us all to hold our breaths and we get about thirty-seconds of quiet.


“We started this about a year ago, it’s our thing. We hold our breath as long as we can when we drive through a tunnel.” I lean towards him and whisper, “It gives you a moment of silence, enjoy it.”

“I see. Okay well, we’re almost there, Princess. Here we go…1…2…3…”

And just like that Jonathan joins in our little tradition and doesn’t bat an eye at our crazy little ritual.

“Woo hoo! Did you do it Jonafon? Could you hold your breath the whole time?” she asks the moment the truck is back in the daylight.

“I did, how about you?”

“I did and now that we are out of the tunnel that means we’re almost there!”

“How often have you been here in the couple of months you’ve been back?”

“Just once, but clearly it made an impact,” I say turning to look at my adorable daughter in the backseat.

Ireland in her seat, looking like she and the booster seat are born to be in his truck. She’s giddy and about to bounce right out of her seat with excitement.

The zoo is packed, but that’s not surprising. It’s the beginning of October and Portlanders know that this sunny weather that we’re still having won’t last long. It’s time to get all the fun outdoor things done before the rain arrives. The fact that it’s already 12:30 doesn’t help either. The only time this lot isn’t full is in the morning before the gates open and there will still be a line full of people waiting to get in. The Oregon Zoo is worth the wait and price of admission though. I grew up coming here and love that I get to see it again through a child’s eyes by bringing my own daughter back to a place I loved so much growing up. I can’t wait to bring her to Zoo Lights at Christmastime and to Concerts On the Lawn in the summertime.

We finally find parking and make our way to the line. The line moves quickly and just as he made it clear he would, Jonathan pays and hands us our tickets for entry and the train. When we first walk in the gates Ireland runs right to the Big Bear in front of the gift shop and begs us to take her picture. Jonathan pushes me to go with her and we take our picture with the ten-foot black bear. As we’re stepping away an older woman offers to let Jonathan step in with us and she’ll take our picture. He jumps at the chance and runs over to us, picks up my baby girl with one arm and puts his other around my shoulder and pulls me into him.

The woman takes the picture and then just as we start to step away I feel his lips on my temple as he gives me a quick, yet innocent kiss. Just as fast as it happens, his arm leaves my shoulder and he sets Ireland down and goes to retrieve his phone from the kind lady that took our picture. I feel his lips on my temple the rest of the afternoon. It’s as if he’s branded me and deep down I want nothing more than to be branded his.

We spend the next few hours hitting every single exhibit the zoo has to offer. We spend the longest time at Ireland’s favorite spots. She seems to love all the same spots that I grew up loving. Our number one place that we spend the longest amount of time is with orangutans. They love to hang out by the glass and play with buttons or their toes or just roll around like they know they are entertaining us. Ireland has no shame and pushes her way to the front of the glass and kneels down to be face to face with Inji. She’s a female orangutan who loves to wear t-shirts. She takes them off and puts them back on and she’s often hanging out here where the people are rather than roaming the fairly new and large enclosure. She is spectacular and we could both sit and hang out with her all day. Thank goodness Jonathan is here to keep us moving because I think the two of us would have sat there all afternoon.

The only other places that Ireland and I need his prompting to leave are the Polar Bears and the Harbor Seals. Both are so playful and engaging and it’s so hard to leave them. I just know they are going to do something even more amazing as soon as we walk away. I may actually be worse than Ireland when it comes to walking away.

We did find Jonathan’s weakness and surprisingly it’s the otter exhibit. Apparently, he has always loved otters and even used it as his camp name when he worked as a counselor at a summer camp the summer after high school. I can’t even imagine having a counselor that looked like Jonathan. I bet he was a big hit with all the little girls that summer. The thing is he doesn’t even seem to realize it. I mean he has to know he’s attractive but he doesn’t act like Mick or other guys I know that think they are God’s gift to women. At least I’ve never seen that side of him.

After we pry Jonathan away from the otters, we stop for a little snack and share some kettle corn that smelled too good to resist. Jonathan pays again, and it takes everything I have to hold back and not offer to pay. By the look on his face and the wink that he sends my way when I say thank you, he can tell how hard this is on me.

After we finish our little snack break we start to head towards the elephants and when Ireland asks us to swing her I realize she’s been walking in between us all day with each of us holding her hands. I’m sure we look like a little family and boy do I wish that the illusion was real. The sight of us walking along like this warms my heart and breaks it at the same time.

“Swing me!” Ireland asks jumping up and down and swinging her arms.

“Okay, on the count of three,” Jonathan says.

Together we all count.


Ireland jumps and Jonathan and I swing her between us over and over again, all the way to elephants.

“It’s stinky in here,” Ireland whispers later from atop Jonathan’s shoulders when we enter the indoor enclosure.

“It is, but look how close they are.” Jonathan whispers back while he takes her off his shoulders so she can get right up against the glass.

Still whispering she says, “So cool.”

And it is… the elephants are cool, the zoo is cool, my baby girl is cool and being here with Jonathan is very cool.

By the time we reach the top of the hill that Ireland insisted on walking up to view the outdoor enclosure, I can see that she’s starting to fade. She’s coming down from her zoo and kettle corn high. By the time we’re done with the elephants, she has asked to be carried. Jonathan doesn’t hesitate and picks her up and she instantly puts her arms around his neck, her cheek on his shoulder and she settles in. She is so comfortable with him and he seems to be with her that it is almost overwhelming at times. This would be one of the times. I have to force myself to look straight ahead and not at the beautiful man carrying my sleepy daughter.

We decide it’s time to go and head for the parking lot. Ireland is barely awake when we buckle her in and head home. By the time we reach the tunnel, her little blond curls are bobbing up and down as her head hangs forward in a deep sleep.
