Page 54 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Yep, I have more time than I could ever use and they’ve been on me about taking time off before I lose it. I have plenty to do during the day while you’re at work and Ireland is at school. So, I can help you with drop-off and pick-up if it helps? The two of us can hang out while you study. I mean if you’re cool with that?”

Shit! She is freaking out. She hasn’t said a word and is just standing there staring at me. Shit! I need to calm her down.

“No expectations, Em, I swear. I’m gonna stay on the couch and remember, I’m just doing what Mick asked and watching over the two of you while he’s gone. He’s gone until Saturday and there is no way I can let the two of you be on your own that long. It will also give me time to look into who is threatening you. So, I’m gonna run home and grab some things and Frances. You good with that?”

Not giving her a chance to reply I kiss her forehead and grab my keys off the counter and head for the door.

“Be right back, text me if you need me to pick anything up on my way back.”

And with that, I’m out the door!




What the hell is happening?

Did he just say that he was leaving to pack a bag, get his dog and he would be right back?

And I agreed to it?

How did we get here?

What happened to just being friends?

Now he’s taking the week off of work and basically moving in.


I am so confused, scared, pissed and excited all at the same time.

How is he doing this? He’s working his way into our lives without us even noticing. On the surface, it’s great but deep down I am shitting myself. This is too much too fast. My emotions are so up and down that I can’t keep up with them.

I run to my purse and grab my phone and call Cami but she doesn’t answer. I send her a 911 text letting her know that I need to talk to her ASAP!

I call Alex next. Just like Cami, she’s always there for me and if anybody can talk me down, she can. She answers and before she can even get hello out I’m rambling about the zoo and dinner and him wanting to watch Downton Abbey and bringing his dog over and sleeping on the couch and…and…


“Alex, what do I do?”

“First, breathe.”


“Emily, I know that I wasn’t there when you two met in California. But from everything that you and Cami have both told me, he sounds like a great guy.”

“Hi is.”

“Well, it also seems pretty clear he’s still in love with you.”


“He’s offering to sleep on the couch, and to be honest, it makes me feel better to know that you two aren’t home alone. Give him a chance, Emily. But most importantly give yourself a chance. You deserve happiness, a chance at love and to be taken care of. You’ve always put everybody else first, and it looks like he’s putting you first. There’s nothing wrong with that, you know.”

“What about Ireland?”
