Page 55 of You & Me: Part Two

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“I’m not saying run off and get married, but let him in, Em. Let him love you and let yourself love him. And before you say it, I know you’re scared, but don’t let the people of your past prevent your future.”


“Alex, he’s back, I have to go.”

“Breathe, Em.”

“Thank you so much for listening and for the pep talk. I know you’re right, I just don’t know if I can let myself believe it. Love you to pieces, lady. Drinks after Mick gets back, deal?”

“Love you too, Em. Don’t forget to breathe and you’ve got a deal on the drinks. Go get him, girl!”

After texting Cami to tell her to ignore my 911 message, I slip my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. I check the peephole to make sure it really is him—because let’s be honest he wasn’t gone very long. It’s almost like he was already packed or something. Shit, he was already packed! Shit, shit, shit, shit!

He knocks again and I nearly jump out of my skin.

I unlock the door and open it. There he is. The man I spend my nights dreaming about with a duffel bag and his adorable dog. I am so screwed.

“You gonna let us in?”

He asks this sarcastically, but I can sense that he’s a little nervous too and this makes me feel a bit better. So glad it’s not just me.

“Oh, sorry about that, come on in.”

Moving aside and let the two of them in. As I shut the door, I hear Frank and Frances getting to know each other and Jonathan’s bag hit the ground.

I turn around and see the most magnificent man I have ever laid eyes on. He’s standing with his hands in his pockets and his head slightly tilted. My hands are trembling and my heart is beating a thunderous cadence in my chest.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Why would you ask if something was wrong?”

“Because I can tell. You’re freaking out just a little bit aren’t you?”

“Well, this is moving pretty fast isn’t it?”

“Listen, Emily, I don’t know exactly what’s happening here, but I do know that I am feeling more myself than I have in the past five years. Meeting you changed me forever and made me see how happy life truly could be. After watching you walk away, losing Matt and then my mom. Em, part of me died over there.”

“Georgia, I’m so…”

He shakes his head not wanting me interrupt him. “

“I have felt empty for so long now but every second that I’m with you…I feel like that empty part of me is slowly filling back up. You are bringing me back to life.”

That was not what I expected to hear come out of those perfect lips, and I know he can see it on my overwhelmed face. He closes the space between us, takes my hands in his and rubs his thumb soothingly over the back of my hand.

“I’m not asking anything from you. Okay, that’s a lie. I am asking you to have an open mind and think about giving us a shot. But right now, all I am asking is to spend more time with you and Ireland. I’ve been given another week, Emily, and I don’t plan on wasting it.”

I lose my breath.

Another week.

“Please believe that I don’t have some dastardly plan to get you in bed and that sex is what this is all about. I won’t lie though; I meant what I said. I want to try again. My feelings for you haven’t gone anywhere, and they’re getting stronger every day. I’m not going to let another week with you go by without trying my best to stop you from walking away this time.”

And just like that, he silences me.

He’s right.

We’ve been given another week.
