Page 72 of You & Me: Part Two

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More silence.

Could I be alone in this? Am I the only one of us that wants more?

Still, without a word, she climbs onto my lap. She looks me in the eyes and then slowly closes hers when she softly brings her lips up to caress mine. After several minutes of her kisses and her rubbing herself on my—growing harder by the minute—cock, I can’t take it any longer and I stand up with her attached to me. Her legs naturally come around my waist and I carry her to the bedroom. It’s not the answer I was looking for, but I’ll take it…for now.

I’m dreaming about the morning in California when Emily woke me with a special wakeup call. Only in this dream, it isn’t her hand that’s waking me up, but that sweet little mouth of hers. Fuck, if this isn’t the best dream I’ve ever had. It feels so real that I feel myself growing harder and harder until I slightly wake and move my hand down to try to adjust myself, but I’m met with a roadblock. An amazing roadblock, one in the form of Emily’s beautiful head while she takes me into her mouth.

When she realizes I’m now fully awake she pops me from her mouth and gets a devilish smile on her face and says, “Morning, Georgia.”

“Morning, baby. Whatcha doin’?” I ask not able to hide my smile.

“Just wanted to give you something to think about while I’m at work today.”

“Oh baby, I’m always thinking about you. You don’t have to do this.”

“Trust me I do. I was dreaming about tasting you, and I need to have you in my mouth. Now sit back and let me enjoy this.”

With that, she wakes me up in the most glorious of ways and starts my day off with a fucking bang.

I spend the rest of my morning floating around them as they rush to get ready. I help with breakfast and taking care of the dogs. I love feeling the organized chaos of their morning routine. I’m learning to love all of the domestic routines that come with these two lovely little ladies. It’s a feeling and a routine I never knew I wanted, but I do and I hate that it’s about to end.



It’s Friday, our last full day and night together before Mick comes home. I’m sitting in my classroom impatiently watching the seconds tick by so that I can get out the door to Jonathan. The last two days have been so great. Last night was another night of exploring each other for hours and lounging in each other’s arms. He didn’t bring up the discussion of our status again. Instead, he peppered my body in kisses and brought me to amazing highs over and over and over again.

I swear the clock has frozen in time, because the bell just will not ring. How can this class not be over yet? I already have all of my things gathered and am ready to bail the moment I hear the shrill sound of class being over. I feel like a senior on the last day of school; counting down the last seconds of high school and then cheering as the clock strikes that golden hour.

No cheering today, but I do bolt the moment the bell sounds and nearly run over Officer Blackburn. He has a hard time keeping up with me as I navigate down the hall. The kids are just sauntering about, without a care in the world. Not caring at all that I have only a matter of hours left to spend in fake domestic bliss with Jonathan. In my mind, I shove past them all and they go sprawling to the ground as I make my way through the halls and to the doors. I’m losing it, but I don’t care. I cannot get out of this building and out the front doors fast enough.

With Officer Blackburn only steps behind me, I finally push my way out to the front doors with a little wave to him over my shoulder and I scan the parking lot for Jonathan’s truck. I don’t see it. Where is he? I feel my heart start to sink and wonder if he forgot to pick me up?

Walking down the steps, I hear a car horn and see him pulling up in Matt’s jeep. Our jeep. My heart skips a beat and I freeze mid-step. It’s only when I see him jump out and walk around to open the passenger side door for me that I move my feet in his direction.


“Later, baby,” he says stealing a quick kiss.

I get into the car and so many memories start flashing back through my mind. I also notice, as he walks around the front of the jeep, that he isn’t in his usual t-shirt attire. He has on a white button down shirt with rolled sleeves, dark jeans, and not his usual heavy boot, but more of a dress shoe. What is happening here?

He hops back into Scarlett and gives me a wink and a smile. As I’m about to ask where Ireland is, he explains that she’s with Cami and that we’re in no rush today.

“Where are we going?”

In reply to my question, he just smiles and turns on the stereo and Justin Timberlake comes blaring out of speakers just like the last time we were in Scarlett.

For October, it’s a beautiful day but not warm enough to take the top down on the jeep. Jonathan holds my hand the entire journey but doesn’t say much. I cannot figure out what he’s up to just yet, but I have a feeling I will soon enough. He seems so pleased with himself right now, and it’s kind of cute. I don’t want to ruin anything for him so I don’t ask too many questions.

It’s mid-day, so the traffic is light, and in a little over thirty minutes we’re over the bridge and in Vancouver. As Jonathan navigates through the streets he finally speaks.

“Here we are.”

I pull my eyes from his devastatingly handsome face and look to see that he’s pulling into the parking lot of a restaurant called Beaches. I get it now…Scarlett…JT on the stereo… he’s wearing almost exactly what he wore the night we went to dinner…and now a restaurant called Beaches. He’s trying to recreate our time in California. Shit, he’s good.

“I know it’s not the actual beach, but I didn’t know if you would want to be that far away from Ireland, so I figured we could fake it. It’s not the fanciest restaurant, but the beach reminds me of you. I thought it was fitting.”

“Jonathan, it’s perfect,” I lean across the front of the jeep, and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before I reach for my door handle.
