Page 97 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Jonathan Kelly, are we parking? Are you trying to get me in the back seat to take advantage of me?” I ask in mock horror.

“Oh, Miss Jacobs, nothing would please me more, but I am not sure today is the day for that. Right now I just want to hold you and celebrate your safety and peace of mind. Now get in, baby.”

I do as I’m told, and true to his word he holds me and we talk. He apologizes for not taking a shower before coming to get me, but I don’t mind a sweaty, salty Jonathan at all. He doesn’t try to take advantage of me. He is the perfect gentleman. I can tell he’s afraid to make any moves that might push me further than he thinks I’m ready for, and this just makes me love him even more.

After a couple of hours in the back of his truck, we agree it’s time to go.

Just as we’re about to move to the front seat, I get a text from Austin.

Austin: Miss J, I just want to say how sorry I am. I had no idea what Kayla had been doing. If I had known, I would have stopped her or told you. I hope you are okay?

Miss Jacobs: I’m fine, Austin. Thank you so much but it’s not your fault.

“Poor kid. I knew he would feel bad,” I sigh.

“He’ll be okay, Em.” Jonathan tries to assure me.

“I know he will, but I still feel bad for him. I feel like I did something somehow to cause all of this.”

Jonathan opens the truck door and jumps out onto the pavement to help me out.

“All you did was care and offer support. You didn’t do anything wrong, and I don’t want you to dwell on it.” He opens the passenger door, and as I walk in front of him to climb in he slaps me on my ass. “Now, get that sweet ass of yours in my truck!”

I don’t know why, but I have the most random thought.

I let out a gasp at my thoughtlessness and ask, “Jonathan, I can’t believe I never asked!”

“What are you so excited about?” He asks entertainingly confused.

“Your truck…don’t you always name your trucks?”

He gives a sly little smile and says, “I do. Is that what you’re so excited about?”

“Well, what’s her name?” I squeal.

He throws his head back and burst out laughing.


“Oh baby, you are too cute.” He leans in and kisses my temple. “Helen, her name is Helen.”

“Helen?” I say perplexed. This is not what I expected.

“Yes, Helen. She’s sexy and silver. So I went with Helen for Helen Mirren. There’s no denying she’s a sexy older woman; a female version of a ‘silver fox’.”

I can’t help the fit of giggles that escapes me. He never ceases to surprise me—I think that’s why it tickles me more than it should. He’s strong, supportive and silly all at the same time. He’s perfect. It’s in this fit of laughter that I realize it’s time to let him know that he doesn’t need to remain a gentleman. I’m ready to be taken advantage of.

“Hey, Georgia?”


“Can we go back to your place?”

He just looks at me with a smile on his face and one eyebrow raised, and I know he knows what I’m asking with my request. To confirm that he understood just what I’m implying, he grabs me by the waist, places me in my seat, stretches my seat belt around me and buckles me in. He doesn’t say much on the way home, but I don’t think I have ever seen him drive so fast.

Walking into Jonathan’s house reminds me of the last time I was here. That day was so full of joy and passion. Jonathan did everything he could to bring back what we had in California.

That was also the first time he talked to me about Matt and his mom. He opened up to me that day, and even though in the back of my mind I knew that I belonged to him, that was the night that it became concrete. I remember being afraid to speak those three little words to him that night.
