Page 98 of You & Me: Part Two

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Unfortunately, it took his shooting for me to finally confess my love to him. I learned a valuable lesson sitting there in that hospital, waiting for him to wake up. That lesson was to never hold back and to always let those you love know what they mean to you. I don’t plan to let any more days go by that Jonathan doesn’t know how much I love him.

When we walk into the house we’re greeted by a very excited Frances. I squat down and give her the attention she’s looking for while Jonathan slides his truck keys onto the counter. Once I’m standing back up, he gets her attention and opens up the back door for her. He says he wants to take a quick shower and asks me to let Frances back in when she’s ready.

She’s an old gal, and it takes her some time, but she finally comes back to the door so I can let her in. I’ve just finished drying her wet paws off when I turn around and Jonathan is in front of me, already showered and dressed in clean clothes. That must have been the fastest shower in the history of all showers.

“I’m so glad to have you here again, Em,” he says as he walks toward me.

Wasting no time, I take him by the hand and lead him to his bedroom. When we enter, I flip the switch for the fireplace and walk over to turn on his low lit light next to the bed, just like he did the last time I was here. I stand him next to the bed and continue to take the lead.

“Jonathan, I know you’re trying to take it slow and ease back into things after our time apart.”

I grab the hem of his fresh shirt and lift it over his head.

“You are being a total gentleman, and you didn’t even make any moves while we ‘parked’ today,” I add, as I kick off my flats, and then unbutton his jeans. He’s barely breathing and hanging on my every word. My every move.

“I appreciate that and it means the world to me, but just because we can’t have any sleepovers doesn’t mean that we need to take everything slow.”

I pull his jeans down his strong thighs and gently push him back onto the bed. He falls back but sits up on his elbows to watch the rest of the show. I pull his jeans the rest of the way down his legs and drop them to the floor. He seems to have been in a rush to get dressed because he’s going commando and is now completely naked.

To see this beautiful man laid out before me is a sight to see. He is a perfect specimen, and I could study every lean muscle on his body, but we’ll save that for later. He still hasn’t said a word, but his eyes haven’t left mine once, and I can tell he’s listening intently to every word that I am saying to him.

From my standing position in front of him, I pull my shirt over my head and make sure that he’s looking at me when I say, “I’m here Jonathan. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want to waste any more time away from you or hiding how I feel about you.” I tell him this with all the conviction that I feel in my heart. I pull my pants off and stand before him in just my bra and panties. “I have only been in love with one person in my entire life, and that person is you. I know how lucky we are to have a second chance. I’ll do whatever you need so that you know just how much I love you.”

I crawl onto the bed, rest my body on top of his and kiss him with everything I have. I pour all the love that I can into this kiss so that he has no doubt how I feel about him. After a few glorious minutes, I whisper in his ear. “Make love to me, Georgia.”

Without words, he spends the next few hours showing me just how much he loves, wants and needs me. I have never felt so cherished.



It’s the night before Thanksgiving and I couldn’t be happier.

I have my girls here with me in my hometown of Savannah. To top it all off, we’re sitting in the Fanuas living room. Emily sits next to me on the love seat while Ireland snuggles up to me on my lap. She’s tired from the long day of travel, and I have a feeling she’s going to be asleep sooner rather than later.

I have everybody I care about in the world in one room. The only people that are missing are Devon and Gabby, but we’ll chat tomorrow, and I’ll spend part of Christmas with them.

Emily and Ireland seem to be a perfect fit with the Fanua clan. This doesn’t surprise me at all because these two are special. They light up any room that they walk into and always seem to bring a smile to everybody’s face.

I couldn’t be more proud both to introduce them to my family, and to have these amazing people in my life to share with the two of them. I just wish my mom was here. She would love them both. This I know for sure.

As we all sit around and talk, I keep getting knowing smiles from Fiona and winks from Robert. I can see the joy that they have for me in their eyes. It’s just as obvious to them, as it is to me, that I have found the one.

Emily is it for me, and this little girl slowly falling asleep in my arms brings me so many different emotions all at once. There is a fierce protectiveness that I feel for her that is different from what I feel for her mother. Knowing that the things I help Emily teach her will mold her into the person she’ll grow up to be is a huge responsibility, but one that I hope Emily will continue to let me take on alongside her. She also brings me a peace I never knew children could bring.

After years of not feeling much at all, this has been a big change for me, but in only the best of ways.

Emily looks at Ireland—who has her head tucked into my neck so that I can’t see her face—and mouths, “She’s asleep.”

Quietly, I announce to the room that it’s time to put Ireland to bed. I rise from the love seat as smoothly as I can to try not to wake her.

“We’ll be right back,” Emily says as she gives a little wave and follows me down the hall while holding on to one of the belt loops of my jeans.


These simple moments with them bring me pure bliss. I know that makes me sound all girly, but I just can’t think of another word to describe it.

Fiona has put Emily and Ireland in Liam’s old room that now serves as a guest room. Traditional as always, Fiona has me sleeping on the fold out couch. It’s not ideal, but I get it. Emily and Ireland are sharing a double bed as it is. There isn’t room for me anyway. And there is still the no sleepover rule.
