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"Already did," I mumble against Molly's mouth, laughter bubbling up between kisses.

"Smartass," Jake mutters, but I can tell by the shake of his head and the sliver of a smile that he's already halfway to accepting this new reality.

"Always," I shoot back, winking at him over Molly's shoulder as she pulls me closer.

"Welcome to the family, Tanner," comes his final benediction.

I look down at Molly and realize that’s all I’ll ever want. A family with her.


Five Years Later


I twist the soft, pale yellow ribbon around my fingers as I craft a hairbow. I'm perched on our cushy beige couch that's hugged by bookshelves on either side, stuffed with novels and knick-knacks that tell the story of us. The overhead light casts a warm glow across the room, bouncing off the framed photos of beach trips and lazy Sundays. This house is our love letter, every corner filled with Tanner’s strong presence and my softer touch. It's intimate, lived-in—ours.

"Peekaboo!" Tanner's deep laugh rumbles from behind the armchair where he's hiding, his muscular arms ready to scoop up our little girl when she toddles over.

"Again, Daddy!" Our daughter's voice is a blend of my melody and his timbre. Her tiny feet patter against the hardwood floor as she rounds the chair with a giggle that's pure sunshine. She inherited my wild brunette curls, but those deep blue eyes are all Tanner—wide with delight, reflecting the innocence I so desperately want to protect.

"Gotcha!" Tanner swoops her into the air, and she squeals, her chubby hands reaching for his face. His intensity melts away in these moments, replaced by a tenderness that squeezes my heart every time.

"Mommy, look!" She wriggles in Tanner's secure hold, stretching her arms out to me. "Fly like a birdie!"

"Wow, you're soaring so high!" I put down my crochet project, applauding as if she's just performed the greatest feat. "Like a superhero, huh?"

"Super Lily!" she declares, and Tanner spins her gently before bringing her back down to earth, his biceps flexing instinctively to cushion her landing.

"Best damn hero in town," Tanner agrees, planting a kiss on her forehead. His gaze flicks to me, the silent promise in his eyes still sending that familiar thrill down my spine.

"Mommy, play too!" Lily tugs at my hand, and I let myself be pulled into their orbit, the three of us a whirlwind of laughter and pretend capes made from dish towels.

"Alright, Super Lily and Captain Daddy," I say, striking a heroic pose that earns another round of giggles. "Let's save the day together."

It's easy, this life with them—a constant dance of love and laughter, and yeah, a fair share of dirty diapers and two a.m. wake-up calls. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not when I have Tanner, who can go from fierce warrior to doting father in a heartbeat, and Lily, our perfect little creation who's got his strength and my spirit.

"Come on, heroes," I grin, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks, "let's build a pillow fort!"

And just like that, we're off—diving into cushions, draping blankets, building a fortress fit for the fiercest of families. It's crazy, chaotic, and absolutely perfect.

"Uncle Jake!" Lily's squeal cuts through the fortress tranquility, and her little body wriggles out from under an avalanche of pillows to sprint towards the door. I peek out from our makeshift citadel just in time to see her launch into Jake's open arms, her tiny fingers tangling into his short brown hair.

"Hey, squirt!" Jake chuckles, hoisting her up high before spinning her around, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes in a summer breeze. He's got that easy grin plastered on his face, the one that makes him everyone's instant pal—especially a four-year-old's with energy for days.

"Did I hear something about a pillow fort of justice?" Jake winks at me as he maneuvers into the living room, pretending to stagger under Lily's weight like she's the heaviest thing on earth.

"Indestructible walls," Tanner adds, popping up behind me, his eyes twinkling with silent mirth. "Took some serious Navy SEAL skills."

"Wow, must be some fort," Jake teases, ducking under a blanket draped haphazardly across two chairs. "I'm impressed."

"Uncle Jake builds better forts," Lily declares with a child's brutal honesty, and we all laugh because it's probably true. Jake's always been the king of playtime, ever since we were kids ourselves.

"Alright, alright," Jake says, setting Lily down inside our fortress. "How about I build you a super-duper fort next time, huh?"

"Promise?" Lily holds up her pinky, and Jake links his own with hers in a solemn vow.

"Promise. But hey, I heard it's someone's special day today," Jake says, eyebrow quirked as he looks over at Tanner and me. "Five years, right?"
