Page 9 of Triple Threat

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I’m not really supposed to be riding alone. Venom wants us all in pairs, but everyone is so damn busy and it’s my time to go out. If I take Hawkeye with me, there’s no one I truly trust to keep an eye on Lyric. Yes, I know every member of the Wild Kings will protect her with their life. However, my brothers have had my trust from the very beginning. They know how I feel about everything and will do nothing to upset me while making sure my girl is protected and taken care of.

It doesn’t take me long to get to the highway. The second I’m there and away from traffic, I throttle my bike and open it up. I need the speed as I head to my destination. This ride isn’t to clear my head or anything like that. It’s to put as much distance between Lyric and myself so I don’t just turn and go back to her. As I’m riding, I notice a truck heading my way. They’re closing the distance between the two of us and I know they’re after me and no one else as they weave in and out of traffic to get closer to me. Twisting the throttle, I speed up even more and take off to put more distance between the truck and my bike.

“Call Venom,” I say into the speaker built into my helmet.

“What’s goin’ on, Kevlar?” Venom asks, answering his phone.

“I’m on the highway headin’ toward Phantom Bastard territory. They know I’m comin’. Got a truck comin’ up on my ass. I’m speedin’ down the fuckin’ highway to get away from them, but it’s not workin’,” I inform my President so someone knows where I am. “Don’t got a good feelin’ about this, Venom.”

“I’m on it. I’ll leave Hawkeye with your girl and the rest of us will head out. I’ll call your dad on the way to you in case he’s closer. Do what you gotta do to get away from the fucker,” he orders before hanging up.

When the truck gets even closer, I slow down my bike. If he rams into me at the speeds I was going a few seconds ago, I’d be dead before my body hit the road. At a more manageable speed, the truck is easily able to catch up to me. I start to weave in and out of the cars we’re coming up on. The truck stays with me. It doesn’t take us long to get past the cars and away from traffic once more. We’re on an empty stretch of the highway when the truck makes its move. The driver rams into my back tire just hard enough to send my bike wildly out of control. There’s no way for me to get it back on the road as I slide to the side where all the loose gravel rests.

My front tire hits on a larger rock and I’m thrown over the handlebars. I close my eyes and picture Lyric in my mind. The day she tells me she loves me for the first time is the day she’s going to lose me. I’m upset as hell at the thought of leaving my princess alone because someone wants to take me out. Fucking bastards! I land on the side of the road and slide a long length before I roll down into the ditch. I can’t hear anything as my screams of pain fill my ears.

I’m barely keeping myself conscious when a hand grabs my cut and yanks it off my body. I’m jostled around in my limp state and can’t even open my eyes to see who the fuck is stealing my cut from me. One of the first things we’re taught is to never give up our cut to anyone. It’s a piece of us and we’re to protect it at all costs. I just failed that lesson. However, there’s nothing I can do about it as I sink deep into the blackness. All the pain I’m in fades away and Lyric’s image flashes through my mind. She’s what I focus on as I wait for death to take me.

Chapter Six


PAIGE CAME OUT of her room after I walked back in from telling Kevlar goodbye. Telling him I love him has left me with so much peace and the weight of feeling that has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve been wanting to tell him how I feel for a while now and constantly held myself back. For some reason, I needed to tell him the truth today. A feeling deep in my gut needing me to tell him I love him because it’s the truth. I wasn’t expecting him to return the words to me, but I know he meant them. The look in his eyes told me every single emotion he was feeling. The main one being the love he feels for me. I’m sure he could see the same thing shining back at him from my eyes.

“Can we get out of here for a while?” Paige asks, walking up to where I’m sitting with Ricochet and Hawkeye. “I have to go to work soon, but I don’t want to sit in the clubhouse until I have to go in.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Ricochet tells her, sitting up straight and keeping his eyes locked on my sister.

“We’ve been cooped up in this clubhouse for over a week now. The only time I leave is when I go to work. Once my shift is over with, I’m brought straight back here. I want to get out and enjoy the fresh air and sun. I haven’t asked for a damn thing and neither has my sister. Hell, she’s been out even less than I have. Please, let us go into town and just walk along the storefronts for a little bit. I have to be to work in an hour so we won’t be gone that long,” Paige pleads with the brothers as they look between one another.

“If we do this, you both need to listen to us. This is a risk we shouldn’t even be takin’. The second you don’t listen, we leave. And we’ll never take you out like this again. Do you both understand me?” Hawkeye asks, his voice hard and cold as he looks between us.

“Of course. I promise we’ll do what you say. We’ll stop and get a drink or ice cream and simply walk down the street. You can stand right next to us if you have to. We just need to get out of here,” Paige promises with a large smile on her face.

Standing from my chair, I push it back in close to the table before linking arms with my sister. We head out to her car with Ricochet and Hawkeye following us. Before they can get on their bikes, Venom is rushing out of the clubhouse.

“Change of plans. You’re both with me. Kountry and Marco have the girls. Everyone else will be ridin’ out with us,” Venom yells out as every member of the club rushes out the door and heads straight for their bikes.

The feeling I have deep in my gut twists and turns. Whatever is going on right now involves Kevlar. Venom wouldn’t have pulled Hawkeye and Ricochet away from us if it didn’t. I can’t make my feet move as Paige practically pulls me from my spot in the parking lot. As the bikes all start and the ground under my feet rumbles from the vibrations of them all revving their engines before pulling out. My eyes don’t leave the line of bikes rushing from the compound as Paige tries to pull me once again.

“Something’s wrong,” I finally whisper as a sob breaks free.

“What are you talking about?” Paige asks me, stepping up to my side.

“The way they all left. Something has happened to Kevlar. They’re going to him and I have no clue if he’s hurt or even alive. The feeling in my gut tells me this is about him and it’s not good,” I tell Paige as she stares at me with concern filling her eyes.

“Okay. Let’s get away from here. We’ll go get a milkshake or sundae and walk for a few minutes before the guys bring you back here,” Paige says, leading me to her car as Kountry and Marco pull up on their bikes.

Once I’m in the car and the door is closed, Paige has a short conversation with the guys before walking around to the driver’s side. Paige knows me good enough to realize I don’t want to talk to her as she starts her car and pulls out of the parking lot. Tears are sliding down my face as I think of nothing but Kevlar. I imagine his face when I told him I loved him. He was so happy. The smile on his face was like nothing I’ve ever seen from him before. It lit up his entire face before he said those sweet words back to me.

It doesn’t take us long to get to town. Paige parks her car along Main Street and we get out. I’m moving on autopilot right now as she leads me to the seasonal ice cream store. Paige orders me something and herself before paying. Kountry is behind us while Marco waits outside. Just before we get our order, there’s a commotion outside. Kountry looks between the two of us and the door of the shop. Paige says something to him I don’t hear and he takes off. She pulls my arm through hers and leads me outside. We make our way down the street and away from the commotion of whatever is going on with Kountry and Marco.

It doesn’t take long before I’m hit in the back of the head and immediately tumble to the ground. My sister’s prone body crumples next to mine as I black out and forget about everything that’s happened since Kevlar pulled away from me. I honestly welcome the black oblivion because it means I’m not panicking about the situation with Kevlar and what’s happened to him.

When I wake up, my head is pounding and I can’t remember anything. I try to bring my hands up to cover my face thinking this is the worst hangover I’ve ever had in my life. My arms don’t move. Letting my eyes fly open, I see that I’m chained to a chair. My ankles and wrists are bound to the metal frame with thick chains and there’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to break them to free myself. I let my eyes move around the room despite the worse pain it causes to fill my head. Paige is in a similar situation across the room from me. She’s still knocked out.

The walls of the room we’re in are cement and there’s a distinct chill in the air as if we’re in a basement of some sort. There’s one small window that’s more covered by dust and grime than anything else. I’m surprised it allows any light from outside to shine through. There’s one small light bulb that hangs in the middle of the room and is currently off. To my left is a door that looks thick despite the metal being dented in places. This isn’t good. I might not remember what the fuck happened to us, but I know we’ve been taken and are now being held prisoner. Only one person comes to mind—our mother is behind this. She warned me the day she called that we’d be taken from wherever we were found. I guess it wasn’t an empty threat after all.

“Paige,” I croak out, my voice barely there with how dry my mouth is. “Paige, you have to wake up.”
