Page 103 of The Thug And His Doll

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“It’s from the two of you, of course I’ll love it,” I say, ripping open the wrapping with enthusiasm. When my eyes land on the four figures sitting inside the Funko Pop box, I’m rendered speechless momentarily. There’s no mistaking who they are.

“That’s you,” Toby says, pointing to the largest one with blonde hair, brown eyes, wearing jeans and a brown jacket. There are even tiny drawn replicas of the love and hate tattoos I have inked across my knuckles. “This is me and Mama, and that is Daisy,” he adds, pointing to each one in turn.

“I’m a Funko Pop?” Daisy asks, squealing as she leans over Lia’s shoulder and grabs the box from my hand. “Look, I’ve even got a dress with unicorns on it. How did I not know about this?”

“The toy store had a section for personalised Funko Pops,” Lia explains. “All I had to do was choose the right bodies and heads, and ask them to add the little details. Apparently it was a new idea they started this Christmas.”

“Well, crap. You’ve totally earned the title of best gift giver this year! This is awesome, Lia. Isn’t it, Drix?” she replies, handing the box back to me.

“It’s the perfect gift, Lia,” I say, meeting her gaze with mine, feeling this rush of love flooding my veins, and making my heart fucking soar.

“You know what is perfect?” she replies. “This. Us. I’m so happy, Drix.”

“Me too, doll. Me too.”



“Sweet dreams, my darling,” I murmur against Toby’s temple as he sleeps peacefully.

Worn out from a magical day surrounded by people who adore him, he cuddles up to his toy unicorn. The Lego diplodocus that Drix helped him to build after dinner, sits on the side table next to the bed.

Happiness is a warm feeling in my chest, and for a moment I just enjoy how good that feels. I know that, eventually, I would’ve clawed back that happiness just being away from Martin and the toxic, abusive relationship I had with him, but I’m so glad that I chose to stop in this town, and not drive through it like I had so many others before. Call it serendipity, call it fate, either way, I’m so grateful to have met Drix, and Daisy. They’ve made both of our lives so much richer.

“Hey, doll, you okay?” Drix asks from the doorway, a pinafore wrapped around his waist after I left him and Daisy cleaning up in the kitchen so I could put Toby to bed.

The light from the hallway highlights his handsome features, and my heart stutters in my chest as he leans against the doorframe with a goofy smile on his face. Today, just like every day I’ve spent with him, he’d been so attentive, so present in the moment with us both, and that has been such a soothing balm to my healing heart.

“I’m really, really good, Drix,” I reply, pushing to my feet as I stroll towards him, my bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. “Thank you for this beautiful day. You’ve made Toby so happy.”

“And you?” he asks as he reaches for my hand, grasping it in his.

“I’m happy too.”

He nods, brushing a stray strand of hair off my face, tucking it behind my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek. “I have something for you,” he says softly.

“You do?”

“It’s in my room…” he replies, his eyes sparkling with promise.

“What about Daisy?” I ask, laughing softly.

“This is a gift, Lia,” he adds with a wry grin. “Besides, Daisy is in the den eating chocolate liqueurs and watching her favourite movie, Stardust. She won’t notice our absence for a bit.”

“But you’ve already given me a gift, Drix, and I’m not just talking about the recipe books. I don’t need anything else but you.”

“Even so, I wanted to get this for you. Will you come with me?” he asks, dropping his mouth to mine and brushing a sweet kiss against my lips.

“Yes,” I reply, my insides turning liquid.

Taking my hand in his, we walk side by side to his bedroom. Inside he guides me to the bed, and I sit as he reaches for the bedside table, pulling open the top drawer. Grabbing a small silver gift bag from it, he sits down next to me.

Dragging in a breath, he hands me the gift bag and says, “I know that what we have is still so new, but I’m certain about how I feel for you, Lia. Believe it or not, I don’t love people easily, but falling for you has been the easiest thing in the world. You and Toby mean a great deal to me, and I wanted to get you something so you know how special you are.”

“Drix, you’ve given me enough,” I repeat.

“Please, just open it,” he urges quietly.
