Page 118 of The Thug And His Doll

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Daisy blanches, looking across at me. “He’s right, Daise. I’m sorry.”

“Okay, so we get four and half million for it, then we only owe you four million. We’ll find a way to get that money,” Daisy says, looking pointedly at Dalton.

Carl follows her gaze, cocking a brow. “Oh, you think my son has that kind of money, do you?”

“Don’t try and tell me he doesn’t. He’s constantly flashing his wealth around for everyone to see,” she snaps back.

“My wealth,” Carl corrects her, his eyes narrowing on a sly smile.

Daisy frowns. “What?”

Carl tips his head back and laughs. Beside me Dalton scowls.

“Should I tell her, or will you?” Carl asks, flicking Dalton a smug smirk.

“I don’t have an allowance anymore, Daisy. I earn my living as the manager of this hotel,” he explains.

“And a good living, I might add. There aren’t many hotel managers who earn two hundred and fifty thousand pounds a year. You should count yourself lucky, son.”

Dalton swipes a hand over his face. “Yeah, Dad. Thanks.”

The fight Daisy entered the room with seems to drain out of her all in one go, and she sits down heavily on the couch opposite. When she looks up again, her eyes are flooded with tears.

“Please, Carl. Hubert was your best friend, don’t do this.”

“You’re right, he was. Which is precisely why I helped him when he asked me to.”

“Drix made a mistake. He was looking out for me, this shouldn’t be his debt. It should be mine.”

“Absolutely fucking not!” I argue. “I chose to beat that prick up. Not you. This has nothing to do with you, Daisy. I will deal with it.”

“And lose Lia and Toby?”

“I’ve already lost them. She wants nothing more to do with me,” I reply, hating that it’s true.

“You're wrong. She’s just angry, scared right now. She knows who you truly are, Drix. She’ll forgive you.”

“I wish I could believe that, but she won’t, Daisy. It’s over. A man like me was never meant to have a woman as incredible as her. I don’t deserve their love. I’m no good for them.”

“No!” Daisy shouts. “Don’t you dare do that. Don’t you dare let her go. You have to fight for Lia, Drix! You have to show her how much you care, just like you did for me every day since we met. I didn’t trust anyone. I didn’t believe that there was anyone in this world who could love me until you came along. You can make this right. I know you can.” Her voice wavers and she blinks back the tears threatening to fall.

“Daisy, just let this go,” Dalton says, his tone softening as he stares at her.

“Don’t talk to me,” she snaps, holding her hand up to him. “Don’t say another word!”

“You can’t wave a magic wand and make this all go away,” he persists. “This is the real world we live in, not some fairytale. People hurt each other, they fall out of love just as quickly as they fall into it. They fucking walk away.”

Daisy glares at him, baring her teeth. “I’m well aware of what happens in the real world, Dalton. I grew up knowing all too well what it feels like to be shit upon. Don’t you dare tell me to let this go, or play down what Lia and Drix feel for each other. I happen to care about Drix’s happiness more than anything, more than my own. You should too.”

“I do care,” he counters. “But I’m realistic. I know when it’s time to let shit go.”

She scoffs then, her gaze trailing over him scornfully. “Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t give a shit about anything other than yourself, and your selfish needs, right? It’s easy for you. You pick women up and discard them the second you tire of them. You wouldn’t know love if it whacked you across the fucking face!”

Dalton opens his mouth to respond, but Carl holds his hand up, silencing him. I don’t like the way he’s looking between the pair, and my hackles rise, sensing he’s about to say something none of us are going to like.

“I have a proposition, one which might solve all of our problems,” he begins.

Daisy frowns. “What proposition?”
