Page 123 of The Thug And His Doll

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Her words penetrate somewhere deep inside, and I choke back another sob, because that’s exactly what he’s done for me. Drix has loved me back to life.

“My decision to try and end my life had terrible consequences,” she continues. “I know now that Drix sought out Jonathon, told him what I’d done, tried to get him to come and see me, to apologise in the hope I’d find some peace in that. Apparently Jonathon just laughed in his face. Drix lost it… And, well, you know the rest of the story.”

“Daisy, I’m so so sorry. I don’t know what else to say.”

“There’s nothing you can say, but you can try to understand why he acted the way he did. He lost control in a moment of vulnerability and despair. Don’t you see, he wasn’t able to protect his mum from a despicable human being, but at that moment when Jonathon laughed in his face, he was trying to protect me from future pain and heartache.”

“This is a lot to take in,” I admit, my head whirling with so many emotions as I try to unravel my own feelings.

“So later, after Hubert had died,” Daisy pushes on. “Drix agreed to pay off the debt. He could’ve sold Brownstone Estate to help clear the debt–God, I wished he had–but instead he stepped into a role he despises, hating himself for the things he’s had to do. Which is why I’ve made a deal with Carl so Drix is free from that debt.”

“What’s the deal you’ve made, Daisy?”

“I’m going to marry Dalton and have his child.”

“You’re going to what?” I exclaim.

“Carl Gunn wants a legitimate heir to carry on the family name. I’m going to give him one so long as he releases Drix from his obligations.”

“You can’t do that. This is unbelievable.”

“I’m going to do it because I want Drix to find happiness of his own with you and Toby, and he can’t do that so long as he works for the families. This is my way of saving him, Lia, just like he saved me.”

“And Drix is okay with this?” I ask.

“No, not at all. But he knows that I will do it regardless if you stay or go. I’m going to marry Dalton. I signed the contract, it’s already done. Drix is free.”

“You’re willing to sacrifice your own happiness to do that for him, for us?”

She gives me a gentle smile. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes. Drix’s kindness saved my life, and now I’m paying that kindness forward. The question is, are you willing to see past what scares you the most? Are you willing to do the same?”



The gym is eerily quiet, the only sounds coming from the clanking of weights, and my heavy pants as I work out. Sweat drips over my skin, my muscles screaming at me to stop, to rest, but I can't. I need to rid myself of the stress, the pain, the anger, the frustration that's been building over the last week. Hell, for years now.

It's agony being away from Lia and Toby. It hurts so damn much.

For seven days straight, this has become my routine, keeping myself busy at the gym throughout the day and night, working out my stress until exhaustion takes over. Anything to keep from turning to the bottle like my father did. I won’t go there.

But my workout is interrupted by the door to the gym slamming open. I grind my teeth not wanting to have a conversation with anyone, let alone Dalton, who steps into the room.

“What the fuck do you want?” I growl, side-eying him as he strides towards me. It’s well past closing time, and I'm not in the mood for him. Not in the slightest. Fuck, it's all I can do not to punch his lights out.

“Riley let me in,” Dalton replies calmly, unperturbed by my anger.

“I told him to go home,” I huff, dropping the weights onto the mat and snatching up a towel from the floor. Every night my friends here at the gym have been taking turns watching over me. I’ve told them time and again I don’t need babysitting, but they insisted. Frankly, I can’t stand the look of pity in their eyes. It makes me feel worse than I already do.

“He has. Look, he’s worried about you. We all are,” Dalton says, sitting down on the bench press, watching me.

"I'm fine!" I snap, running the towel across my damp forehead.

Closing my eyes, I push away thoughts of Lia and Toby, trying to ignore how much I long for them. Every time I've let myself think about them, I've had an overwhelming urge to go to them, but I know that would only make things worse. Lia needed space to figure things out and I promised to give her that. It's the least I can do after everything I've put her through.

The tension cracks in the air between us as Dalton unbuttons his coat, revealing a crisp white shirt and perfectly tailored pants. I drop the towel to the floor feeling exposed and vulnerable under his gaze.

“You’re a mess,” he states bluntly, his eyes roaming over me.
