Page 124 of The Thug And His Doll

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“What the hell do you expect?" I shoot back, my anger rising. "Not only have I fucked up my relationship with Lia, my stupidity has meant Daisy is marrying you!”

“I never wanted that,” he admits, his voice tinged with regret.

“Yet you’re still going through with it!” I counter, my fists tightening at my sides. “Daisy told me she signed the fucking contract yesterday, Dalton. That you did too!”

He blows out a breath, his expression pained. “Your debt is clear, Drix. I did it for you.”

My anger boils over at his words. “Don’t you dare say that you’re doing this for me. Let’s be real here, we both know that you’re only doing it for the damn money!” I spit out each word like venom.

For a moment guilt flashes in his eyes, before being replaced by another emotion I can't quite decipher. There's something deeper there, hidden beneath the surface of his perfect facade. But it doesn't last long, nothing ever does with Dalton. He's always quick to push aside any emotions, just like he does with all the women he's fucked. I'm the only relationship he's stayed faithful to, and our once solid friendship is on very shaky ground. I can barely look at him.

“Partly, yes. But, I’m also doing it for you.”

I bite out a harsh laugh, my voice dripping with bitterness and hurt. “And what about Daisy? What about her happiness, huh? Jesus fuck, Dalton, what about her?”

His eyes flicker away from mine. “She’s made her choice,” he replies stoically. “Besides, you heard what she said. She’s getting something out of this too. Pretty sure she’s going to be using me as much as my dad is using her to get what he wants.

My heart aches at the thought of Daisy being manipulated in such a way. Dalton can play martyr all he wants, we both know this is a win-win for him.

“Yeah, a child!” I shout in frustration. “Don’t you fucking get it? The only thing Daisy has ever wanted was to love and be loved in return. You can’t give her that. We both know that you’re fucking incapable.”

He flinches at my words, but he doesn’t try to deny it.

“I’ll do my best by her,” he replies with a hint of defeat, dropping his gaze to the floor.

“How? How will you do your best for her?" I demand, my anger fueling my words. "You’re a fucking sex addict. You’ll be shagging the next woman who offers herself to you without a second thought. You’ve probably just come from fucking someone right now. You’re incapable of keeping your dick in your pants, let alone staying faithful. Daisy deserves better than that. She’s worth so much more than having to suffer in a loveless marriage.”

My voice breaks with emotion as I think of Daisy trapped in a relationship with a man who cannot give her the love and loyalty she deserves, all because of me and my choices.

With my feet firmly planted and my legs spread to a comfortable hip width, I bend at the waist and wrap my calloused hands around the cold metal barbell. My fingers grip tightly as I prepare to unleash my pent-up frustration and anger on this weight. I avoid looking at Dalton, too afraid of what I might do if I catch his gaze. Instead, I focus on the task at hand–lifting the barbell. The weight feels heavier than usual, but I push through it, determined to punish my body instead of taking out my emotions on my best friend.

As I finish my second set, every muscle in my body is screaming for me to stop, but I can't. The adrenaline and fury coursing through me demands that I continue. Without hesitation, I replace the barbell on the rack and reach for the dumbbells once more.

"I give you my word, Drix," Dalton finally speaks up, his hand raking through his hair as he watches me with concern. "I won't sleep with anyone while I'm with Daisy."

I scoff bitterly. "You're telling me you can last that long? You're looking at almost two years before she can divorce you after you get married." I pause, feeling the weight of my sadness and frustration crushing down on me. "And let's not forget that the only way you'll be able to have a child together is through jerking off into a cup because you aren't touching my sister. Understand?"

Dalton meets my angry gaze head on, his jaw set in determination. "I can do it. And yes, Daisy has already made it very clear how we plan on having a baby."

"Well, at least we're all in agreement on that fucking point," I growl, dropping the dumbbells with a loud clatter as I throw my hands up in exasperation. "This is complete and utter horseshit."

A heavy sigh escapes Dalton's lips. "I suppose we've both made our beds, and now we have to lie in them."

I can't help but scoff at his words. "In your case, it's your own motherfucking bed."

“I’ve got the message, Drix,” he throws back.

“So when’s this farce of a wedding taking place?” I ask, wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, my heart pounding with dread.

Dalton pauses for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully before answering. “Soon.”

“How soon?” I press, my voice tight with barely suppressed panic.

“Six weeks time," he says, and the weight of those two simple words nearly knocks me off my feet.

“Fuck,” I exclaim, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

“Yeah," Dalton replies, his own expression grim. "Daisy is going to be moving in with us next week.”
