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“It sure is,” Daisy agrees.

“So these are yours?” I ask after Toby has picked up each one and Daisy has named them all.

“Yep. I was obsessed with the movie Stardust as a kid. It was the first movie Hubert took me and Drix to see when we came to live with him. I wanted to be Yvaine so badly. She rode a unicorn in the movie,” she says, wistfully.

“Drix told me Hubert adopted you both, that your dad was–”

“Oh no, Drix isn’t my biological brother. We just happened to live with the same foster family and became close. Despite not sharing the same blood, he is my brother in all the ways that count. I love him very much.”

“I’m sorry, I just assumed,” I apologise.

“That’s okay. I’m not offended in the slightest. Anyone would be lucky to have Drix as their brother. I know I am.”

“So Hubert adopted you both at the same time?”

“Initially Hubert just wanted to adopt a son, not having one of his own to carry on his family name, and with no viable options, he chose Drix.”

“No viable options?”

“He was firing blanks,” Daisy replies, smiling ruefully. “Anyway, when he realised how close Drix and I were he couldn’t bear to break us up, so he adopted me too.”

“That’s incredibly kind…” I say, my voice trailing off as I stare at Toby, unable to comprehend ever being parted from him.

“And Drix’s mum,” I ask, frowning “Didn’t she try to get him back?”

Daisy shakes her head. “Didn’t he tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“Oh sugar, I’ve said too much.” Her skin pales, and I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Please don’t tell me…”

Daisy nods, lowering her voice. “Drix’s mum died the night his father killed her. That’s why he ended up in care.”



“Didn’t think you’d go for a single mother, Drix. Though, to be fair, I can see the attraction. She’s good looking in a mother-I’d-like-to-fuck kind of way,” Dalton observes, eying me.

My back stiffens at his crass description of Lia. “You might be my best friend, but I’m warning you, dickhead, you speak about Lia in that way again and I’ll knock you the fuck out,” I growl, my fingers curling into fists.

I’ve never hit my best mate before, in fact I’ve defended him on countless occasions. I guess there’s a first time for everything. Dalton raises his brows as he loosens his tie and undoes the top button of his shirt.

“Whoa, it was just a joke.”

“Not to me it ain’t. So cut it out!” I reply, forcing my fingers to uncurl.

After a beat, he smirks. “I’ve not seen you this riled up over a woman… Well, ever.”

“I’m just helping her and her kid out,” I lie.

Dalton smirks. “Yeah, and I’m a monk.”

“Whatever, man. Wanna tell me why you’re here because I got shit to do.”

“Does the shit you’ve got to do involve baking…?” He frowns, staring at the cherries in the bowl. “Very domesticated of you.”
