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Growing up with an alcoholic father meant most of our money was spent on his addiction. Anything left over was spent on the essentials, so toys were a luxury we simply couldn’t afford.

“You’re welcome, kid,” I say, ruffling his hair, blinking away the memory as my heart pangs for the only man I’d ever called Dad. Fuck, I miss him.

“Hey, is anyone home?” Lia calls from the hallway. I swipe at my face, surprised to find it wet. Toby immediately jumps up, running out of the room towards his mum whilst I pull my shit together.

“Look what Drix gave me,” he says, holding up the Funko Pop, beaming.

She smiles, dropping her gaze as she takes it from him. “Well, that’s awesome. It’s Spiderman.”

“A limited edition!” Toby exclaims, grabbing it back from her as she looks over at me.

“Are you sure?” she asks, removing her coat and draping it over her arm. Her cheeks and lips are flushed from the cold, her hair pulled up into a ponytail, tendrils framing her face. God, she’s fucking beautiful.

I nod. “Of course.”

“I’m gonna go play with it in my bedroom,” he shouts, running up the stairs and out of sight.

“You don’t need to do that, give him things, I mean,” she says softly, hanging up her coat and kicking off her shoes, placing them by the front door.

“It’s fine. It was only sitting on my shelf gathering dust,” I respond with a shrug.

“Well, thanks.” She yawns, apologising with her eyes.

“Busy day?” I ask, motioning her to follow me into the kitchen.

“I’m surprised I’m this tired, but it was so much fun,” she replies with a small smile that makes my heart ache even more. “I made panna cotta today. It was delicious, if I do say so myself.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it. How did you get back?” I ask, grabbing a couple of mugs from the counter and flicking the switch to the kettle on.

“Daisy let me borrow her car. She’s getting a lift back from a coworker. She asked me to tell you not to wait up.”

“What coworker?” I ask, frowning.

“A guy named Lewis. He’s one of the hotel porters I think,” Lia replies, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

“Yeah, I know the guy,” I grind out, feeling that dangerous protective streak rearing its ugly head.

“You don’t like him?”

“I don’t particularly like any man who makes a pass at my sister,” I admit.

“She’s a grown woman, Drix. I’m sure she can make her own decisions about who she chooses to spend her time with.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it…” My voice trails off as I remember the prick she’d dated in college, the bastard treated her like shit. “I’m a little protective when it comes to Daisy, really anyone I care about,” I add.

“There seems to be a story here, do you want to share it?” Lia asks, picking up on my vibe.

“There was this guy she went out with in college. He was an arsehole to her. Not in the same way you’ve been treated,” I add hastily when Lia stiffens.

“How so?”

“During the last few weeks of college he dated her on a dare, only to humiliate her in front of her peers during the Summer Ball they all went to for celebrating passing their exams.”

“Humiliated her, how?” Lia asks quietly, taking the mug of tea that I pass to her. She wraps her hands around the mug, waiting.

“She told him that she loved him and he publicly revealed the dare, dumping her in front of everyone. It was fucking horrible.”

“What a dick,” Lia exclaims.
