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“Where you’re from, your background, that kind of thing.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Drix says. “This was a mistake bringing you here. I’m sorry, Lia.” Drix reaches for my hand, squeezing it tightly. Carl notices and raises a brow.

“My name is Amelia Pearson, this is my son Toby.”

“And what brought you to Princetown?”

Drix gives my hand another squeeze, and despite not saying a word I know it’s a warning of sorts. I get a feeling he doesn’t want me to tell the truth, so I give Carl as little information as possible.

“My car broke down, and when the snow fell, Drix was kind enough to offer us a place to stay until I could get on my feet.” It’s not the complete truth, but it’s not a lie either.

“I see,” Carl replies, steepling his fingers beneath his chin before resting his eyes on Toby. “Where’s his father?”

I silently thank God that Toby is too scared to speak. “Not around.”

“And you have no family you could call to assist with your… predicament.”

“No. My mother died not long ago. I don’t have anyone else.”

“So your car breaks down. Drix is kind enough to put you up, and you take a job at my hotel. That about it?”

“My car has since been stolen,” I say.

“Stolen?” he questions, flicking his eyes to Drix. “That’s indeed very unfortunate. You’ve not had much luck have you, Ms Pearson? Or perhaps you’ve fallen very nicely on your feet. I guess it all depends on how you look at this situation.”

“This isn’t a situation. I’m helping Lia and Toby out. Dalton offered her a job which, by the way, Lia is incredible at,” Drix replies forcefully.

“How long do you plan on staying?” Carl asks.

Up until recently, I was determined to leave as soon as the snow cleared with or without a car, but now… I shift uncomfortably. Things between Drix and I are… I don’t even know, but I was willing to see where things would lead. Now, with this man staring at me like I’m some kind of golddigger after Drix’s money, that thought makes me feel uncomfortable.

“As soon as I have enough money saved to take care of Toby and me, we’ll be on our way,” I say instead.

“Is that right?” he asks, turning his attention to Drix.

“I’ve already told Lia she is welcome to stay for however long she likes. If she chooses to leave I won’t stop her, but if she wants to stay you best believe I’ll have her back in whatever capacity she needs.”

Carl smirks. “Indeed.”

“Mama, I want to go home,” Toby murmurs, curling into my side. I place a protective arm around his shoulder.

“You can leave when I’m finished talking with your mother,” Carl says, his tone sharp.

Toby lets out a sob.

“We’re done here,” Drix growls, climbing to his feet. He holds out his hand and I slide mine into his, needing his support as I’m suddenly feeling very unsteady as I rise to my feet.

“We’re done when I say we’re done,” Carl snaps back.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’ve insulted my friend, my intelligence, and upset Toby all in the space of a few minutes. Who I choose to invite into my home is no business of yours,” Drix replies coolly. “We’re leaving.”

Tessa re-enters the room holding a tray, stepping towards us until Carl holds his hand up. “Take it back to the kitchen. Drix and his friend are leaving.”

Tessa nods, her eyes flicking to mine. She gives me a sympathetic look and my stomach coils as she backs out of the room once more. Carl remains seated, watching me with narrowed eyes.

“I don’t know what you think I’m about,” I say angrily, Drix’s presence making me bold. “But I can assure you that Drix’s wealth is of no interest to me. He’s my friend, and I happen to treat people I like with the respect they deserve. Perhaps you should consider doing the same?” I add with a strength I didn’t know I possessed.

Carl cocks a brow, rising to his feet, his demeanour changing from out and out dislike, to a begrudging respect. “I can see why he likes you. It’s been a while since a woman has stood up to me. Nice to meet you, Lia. I look forward to tasting some of your work. Dalton tells me you’re quite gifted.”
