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“I’ll be there,” I reply, resting back against the chair, waiting to be called for my own massage as Daisy strides towards Tomasz. He holds the door open for her, and Daisy throws me a wink before disappearing out of sight.

“I feel so relaxed. That was amazing, Daisy,” I say, my stomach full from the delicious lunch we’ve just eaten and my heart happy from having spent the morning with someone I now call a friend.

“Tomasz has magic hands,” she replies, sipping on her sparkling water. “I feel like a whole new woman.”

“I bet,” I laugh as she mimics an orgasmic face.

“Unfortunately for me he was very professional, and didn’t do anything I was secretly hoping he might–” Her suggestive smile drops as she looks at someone behind me. “Oh, please. I really don’t need this right now,” she complains, her expression darkening.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Dalton approaching, his own expression thunderous.

“Daisy, a word,” he snaps, focussing entirely on her.

“I have nothing to say to you,” she snaps back, folding her arms across her chest.

“Too bad, because I have a shit ton to say to you,” he hisses, completely oblivious to my presence, apparently, as he glares at her.

“Hello, Dalton,” I say, trying to prevent an all out war from taking place right here in the middle of the restaurant.

Dalton swings his attention my way, clearing his throat. “Did you enjoy your spa experience?” he asks, his shoulders tense as he side-eyes Daisy.

“It was lovely. I had a great massage too. Thank you for your generosity.”

“You’re welcome,” he replies tightly.

“You know, Tomasz was exceptional,” Daisy adds, letting out an exaggerated sigh. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt this taken care of. You should give him a pay rise. Better still, book yourself a massage. It might help with all that pent-up aggression you seem to carry around with you lately. Who knows, it may even help to rearrange some of your brain cells so you don’t fire a person for absolutely no damn reason!”

Dalton snaps his head around, a muscle flickering in his jaw as he narrows his eyes at her. “I’ve already explained quite clearly why I let Lewis go, Daisy.”

“Yeah, because we fucked,” she hisses. “And you somehow think you have a right to say who I sleep with, that’s why!”

Dalton flinches at the rise in her voice. “That’s not why I fired him.”

“Bullshit!” Daisy snaps.

“I’m not having this conversation here. Come with me to my office. Now,” he adds with a jerk of his chin.

“Go to hell, arsehole,” she snarls back.

Around us the conversation seems to fall away as the other people in the restaurant take notice. “Maybe this isn’t the best place to discuss…” I begin.

“Why not? Everyone needs to know what an absolute turd he is,” she counters with an angry shake of her head.

“You know what, Daisy? If you want to have this out with me in public, let’s do this,” Dalton snaps. “I’ll tell you exactly why I fired him.”

“Go on then, enlighten me,” she taunts him.

“Lewis has been playing around with another woman at the same time he’s been seeing you.”

“What?” Daisy blanches, her face paling.

“Dalton, don’t do this,” I plead.

“If you don’t believe me then ask Samantha because this morning I found out that after he spent the night with you, he fucked her in the staff room,” Dalton continues.

“You’re lying!” Daisy replies, her eyes cutting to me. I see the hurt in them and I reach for her across the table. She pulls her hand away, wrapping her arms around herself.

“I have the video footage to prove it,” Dalton explains, a little softer now.
