Page 33 of Not This Late

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With the stealth of a predator, he navigated the remaining distance, the dry earth beneath his boots muting his approach. His heart thrummed a steady beat, the thrill of the hunt surging through his veins like an electric current. A small, brown bag, heavy with its secret cargo, rested reassuringly against his thigh within his pocket.

As he neared the young officer, his hand slipped into his pocket, feeling the coarse fabric of the bag beneath his fingertips. It was time. With the slightest of movements, he allowed the bag to slip free, gravity pulling it down until it landed with a soft thud at the officer's feet.

His steps never faltered; he continued past her, the corners of his mouth tilting upward in a private smile. The bag lay between them now.

The prospector could feel the tension coil in the air, palpable and humming with possibilities. What choice would she make? Curiosity was a powerful lure, and he had baited the hook with precision.

The choice was hers, and the game was afoot.

The prospector’s boots continued their silent conversation with the dusty ground, each step a whisper of aged leather and worn soles. His shadow stretched long and thin across the sunbaked earth, merging with the silhouettes of the derelict buildings that bore silent witness to his game.

A nod, subtle and courteous, was all he offered as he passed the young officer, the slight tilt of his head catching a glint of the fading sunlight. It was an acknowledgment of her existence, nothing more—a courtesy extended from one player to another upon the opening of a chess match.

Behind him, he sensed rather than saw her reaction—the frown etching lines of confusion between her brows, her stance shifting from authoritative to puzzled. Her eyes, he imagined, would be narrowed in suspicion, the gears within her mind grinding away at the oddity that had just unfolded before her. Curiosity was her bane, and he smiled internally, knowing it was an itch demanding to be scratched.

With each step drawing him further from the officer, the prospector could almost hear the cogs of her reasoning churning, dissecting the encounter, assessing the risk versus the intrigue of the small brown bag at her feet. He didn't need to see her face to know the conflict that played out across it; he had seen it many times before, on many faces.

At the end of the street, he paused, his back to her, the warmth of the sun on his neck providing a stark contrast to the coldness of his intent. A fragmented reflection gazed back at him from the pane of a cracked window—a ghostly image distorted by time and abandonment. Through this fractured looking glass, he watched her silhouette, a sentinel of law and order now ensnared by the web of greed.

His heartbeat was steady, a metronome of anticipation as he observed her through the broken mirror of the past. The officer's form bent slightly, the curiosity winning over caution, a puppet responding to the pull of invisible strings. Her movements were hesitant yet inevitable, drawn to the object that held a weight far greater than its physical presence suggested.

Silence reigned over the ghost town as if the world itself held its breath, waiting for the next move in this deadly game. And there, reflected in shards of glass, the prospector's eyes gleamed with the knowledge that his bait had been taken, his trap set.

Now, all that remained was for nightfall to cloak the town in darkness, and for the unsuspecting officer to discover the true nature of the prospector's challenge.

The dust of the ghost town clung to her uniform like a second skin, gritty and persistent.

A flex of her fingers and she crouched, the leather of her duty belt creaking softly under the strain. Her hand hovered over the mysterious offering, the late evening sun casting long shadows that seemed to beckon her closer. Everything about this situation screamed 'proceed with caution', yet the pull of the unknown was tantalizing – a siren call to her innate sense of curiosity.

The cop's training warred within her, each protocol and procedure etched into her mind like commandments. The bag could contain anything from an innocuous relic of the past to something far more sinister.

She cast a quick glance over her shoulder, where the prospector's retreating figure had turned the corner at the end of the street.

"Hey!" The word teetered on the brink of her lips. But the prospector remained with his back to her, still staring into the reflective glass.

He watched coldly as the cop's fingertips grazed the coarse material of the bag, lifting it with care. Her other hand reached for the fold, unfolding the mystery.

The bag opened.

Inside, the contents lay cloaked in shadow, teasing the edges of her vision.

The prospector watched as, for a heartbeat, the world narrowed to the space between her and the secret nestled within the folds of the bag. And in that fraction of time, her decision was made.

Fingers brushed against the contents—smooth, cool to the touch—and her resolve crystallized. She didn't call out to him, but rather eased the bag closed, the finality of a lock clicking into place, and slipped it into her pocket.

The town seemed to exhale around her, the suspense dissipating into the dry air as she straightened up, the weight of the bag a new anchor tethering her to this twisted treasure hunt. There was no turning back now; the die had been cast, and nightfall would unveil the next act of this desert drama.

The prospector smiled, still watching her in the reflection of the glass.

She'd taken the bait.

And now it was his turn.

He gave another little nod towards her, then slipped down a side street, moving rapidly away. Night would come.

And he would return.

