Page 6 of Her Fated Wolves

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Their hotel is far nicer than the bar. At least that’s what I tell myself as we arrive to distract myself from overthinking what I’m doing. I might have talked a big game with the guys, but this will be my first official one-night stand, if things go in the direction they seem to be going, and I’m nervous. So, I focus on the hotel. It’s a suite, with a shared living room and two bedrooms connected to it. It’s also in the nicest hotel in town.

Liquor burns inside of me, but it’s not the liquor that has me so excited. After having a good laugh over the parking lot beatdown, I’d actually gotten to know the guys. And they’re awesome. More than awesome. They’re the men of every woman’s wildest dreams.

Asher is as sweet as he seemed. Even though he looks like some kind of Greek god, with his long hair, green eyes, and body type—huge and muscular—he speaks softly, smiles sweetly, and seems to have eyes for only me. He also fully admitted that he sucks when talking to women, especially beautiful women, but will try his best for me. His implication being that I was beautiful kind of sent butterflies exploding in my stomach.

Brax appears to be the leader of the three guys. He has this way of taking command of every situation, almost like a mafia boss. Even in the bar, everyone seemed to clear out of his way when he approached the bartender, asking for more drinks. He’s not quiet exactly, but he seems to say exactly what he wants to say, nothing more or less.

And Trent? Damn, that boy is funny. Like, shockingly funny. His jokes had a way of taking me by surprise. He might look like some frat boy football player with the kind of body you want to lick up and down, but his jokes are smart. His every comment makes me want to laugh.

Between the three of them, they can have any woman they want. But shared? Fucking hell, they’re a force to be reckoned with.

So when they asked to go back to their hotel room, I didn’t hesitate. Not because of the drinks, but because of them. Because they’re incredible, and because they make me feel… beautiful and special. A girl’s boob literally popped out of her dress while she was dancing, and they didn’t even take a glance. I know, because I was watching them. Several women hit on them, and they were so cold they could’ve been made of ice.

I want these guys. I want an amazing last night that I’ll never forget, and I know they’re the ones to give it to me. So, I came here, trying to behave like I do this kind of stuff all the time, and probably failing. Not that this is my first time or anything, just my first time having sex with multiple guys at the same time.

The thought makes me blush. I need to stop thinking, or I’ll overthink, and end up running for it.

Standing in the middle of the hotel room though, I start to get really nervous. Brax goes to the stereo and puts something on. Not quite dance music, but something with enough beat that it doesn’t feel like he’s setting “the” mood. Brax then goes to the bar area and asks, “Another screwdriver?”

They’re my favorite, and what I’d been getting all night long, so I nod.

Trent goes to the white couch, which looks out at a pretty decent skyline. “You want to get off your feet? You were working all night.” And it doesn’t even sound like a pick-up line.

I head over and then sit a little distance from him, feeling uncertain about what they expect here. “This kind of feels like the setup to a porno, except we need a pizza man.”

Asher sits as far away from me on the couch as he can and then answers me with a frown, “You know we don’t have to do anything tonight. We just want to get to know you. It’s not about sex.”

Which is about the sexiest thing he could have said.

Brax hands me my screwdriver and the guys their beers. That whole alpha energy is radiating off of him in waves so strong that it’s hard to swallow a sip of my drink. He’s also watching me, intently, like he’s a predator and I’m his prey. But not in a “I want to eat you” kind of way, more like a “I want to eat you out” kind of way, which makes me blush.

“You’re very beautiful, Clover,” he says, his voice as low and sexy as the first time I heard him speak. “I bet you’re the kind of woman who has men throwing themselves at her all the time.”

I snort laugh, then realize he’s serious. “Yup, that’s me. I’m like catnip to the men.”

“Cats?” Trent says in shocked horror. “Tell me you’re a dog person!”

I lift a brow. “What if I said I like dogs and cats? I like them to cuddle together, fight together, and be siblings. I like every video with a dog and a cat together as best friends.”

Trent sighs dramatically, running his hands through that messy hair of his. “I guess I can live with that, as long as you like dogs too.”

Asher shakes his head, his long hair dancing like waves. “Ignore him. I see him petting cats all the time.”

“He means pussies!” Trent shouts, but then his eyes widen as they fall on me. “Kidding! I’m as particular about my pets as I am about my pussies!”

And now I’m laughing. I swing back some of my drink then lean forward to put it down on the table in front of me. The table Brax is sitting on, still staring at me like he wants to take a bite out of me… or more accurately, a slow lick of me.

A shiver rolls down my spine.

Asher wipes his hands on his pants and inches closer to me. “So, would it be weird to ask if your big boyfriend is going to have an issue with you being here in a hotel with us?”

I realize that I never cleared that up, and a laugh explodes from my mouth. “Truth time, fellas. I do not have a boyfriend. I just didn’t want to get stalked, which kind of ended up happening any way with the mace and the dark parking lot thing.”

Asher lets out a rush of air. “Thank God you’re single.”

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