Page 7 of Her Fated Wolves

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His genuine relief that I’m not “taken” makes my heart soften. These big weirdos really do seem to think that I’m some kind of amazing catch that they better not lose. Which Willow would agree with. Me? I’m not so sure, but I’m definitely smitten with these guys.

Leaning over, I kiss Asher. Some part of me expected the hotel room to just fade away in that moment, but it doesn’t. I’m just sitting there, kissing him, feeling like a moron, and nothing. But then, he slowly kisses me back, and holy balls on a stick, it’s hot. His lips are hard and strong, kissing mine gently, like he’s feeling me out, but at the same time like he’s desperately trying to hold himself back. With each second his battle over his control seems to wane, and our kiss grows deeper and deeper until my whole body is shaking.

When I break our kiss, I realize that Brax has shifted closer to us. He’s staring, and I feel awkward again. “I’m sorry, I’ve never done this before. I mean, not sex. I’ve sexed it up. I mean, between the guys I’ve dated and my vibrator, I know how to get there. You know what I mean?” Dear God, shut up. “I just meant I have no idea how it works with more than one guy.”

Brax kneels down in front of me. “There’s not much you need to know. Except, stop talking about other guys. We’re not idiots; we understand that a woman is entitled to take care of her needs and take as many lovers as she wants. We don’t care about body count, but what we do care about is feeling like right now, in this moment, you’re only thinking about us.”

I swallow hard. “Fair enough.”

Then he rises up on his knees so that our faces are even. “And just relax. We’ll never do anything that you don’t like. And if you want us to stop anything, we’ll stop, right away. This should be all about you and your pleasure. Do you understand?”

My head is spinning. “But you’ll like it too?”

He gives a wolfy grin. “More than you know.”

Then Brax kisses me too. He’s not nearly as gentle as Asher. His kiss is hot and demanding. The kind of kiss a man gives a woman when he never wants to be forgotten. My entire body feels warm and shaky as his tongue sweeps into my mouth and tangles with my own. Without thinking, my thighs spread further and I pull him in closer. I’m hot and achy, and I know I need more. I hope like hell that I can drown in this moment forever.

Brax stops kissing me and I whimper, wanting more, but I don’t have to wait. He unbuttons my ugly work blouse and tosses it behind us, which is the exact moment I realize I’m wearing an ugly, tan work bra rather than one of my sexy ones. Because with girls this size, you need support if you’re going to be on your feet all day.

I cover myself up, feeling embarrassed. “These bras are supportive,” I say, and it comes out defensively.

Trent leans in and whispers in my ear, “You want to know a secret? We don’t give two fucks about your bra. We’re interested in what’s underneath it.”

“My heart?” I ask, my pulse pounding in my ears.

He chuckles, and the sound is low and sexy. “That. Along with those gorgeous breasts.”

And maybe he’s lying. Or we’re on a hidden camera show like the Chunky and Her Hunks, but I don’t care. His words are perfect. They’re just what I want to hear, and I need this tonight. I need to pretend I’m beautiful and loved and important to someone other than my best friend.

“Okay,” I say, and then Trent turns my face and starts to kiss me too. It’s amazing, because his kiss is just like him: light and teasing, but sexy in a completely unexpected way.

I don’t even protest when one of them unclasps the front of my bra and warm hands find my breasts, because it all feels so good. And if this feels so good, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when I get them all naked. It’s a thought that adds even more fire to the heat burning inside of me.

Their hands cup my breasts, seeming to weigh them, to stroke them, and then they find my nipples. It’s like I’ve blacked out from pleasure. For men who claim they have little experience with women, they know just how to touch me, to tease me. They roll my nipples, they pinch them, and then their hot mouths close around me.

Someone undoes my pants. I can’t even think as a big hand slips into my underwear and starts to stroke my wet core. I’m just panting against the mouth that’s on mine, loving the way these men seem to have found every sensitive part on my body. Not just that, but they know exactly what to do with those areas.

When the hand in my underwear runs over my clit, my entire body jerks, and I break from the kiss. “Maybe it’s time to go to the bedroom, and for you guys to get naked too,” I pant.

Brax is in front of me, his hand in my pants, his eyes burning yellow.

Yellow? But I look again, and the strange color is gone. A trick of the light, my imagination, or my libido gone crazy. I don’t care which. I want them naked.

“Strip for her,” Brax commands in a voice that reminds everyone present who's in charge.

Trent rises to his feet, and while Brax continues to play with me, Trent removes that hoodie, revealing the tight shirt underneath, and then removing that too. He is covered in tattoos. A moon. A wolf. Tribal ones. And writing I can’t read. When he removes his pants, I see that the tattoos don’t stop there. They extend even onto his legs. But anywhere else?

As if he knows what I’m thinking, Trent drops his boxers, and, holy fuck, he’s got a couple tattoos there too. How they ended up so perfect, I can only guess, because the length of his dick leaves plenty to work with.

Like I’m staring at a nice-looking steak, my mouth begins to salivate. I wonder what that would feel like… or taste like. It looks fucking yummy. He grins, as if he knows what I’m thinking, and wraps a hand around his gorgeous dick, starting to stroke himself.

Asher rises. His movements are less certain. He removes his nice, white shirt, unbuttoning it with hands that shake, and drops it to the ground. His skin is bare. There’s not a single tattoo, and yet, with his muscles, I can’t imagine anyone could tattoo those planes and keep them looking good. His pants go down more slowly, and then his whitey tighties, until he’s standing in front of me entirely naked.

And, fucking hell, they must have been having a sale on big dicks the day these two were born, because these guys were blessed a thousand times over. I just have to hope that Brax is equally impressive, or I’ll feel bad for the little guy.

As if aware of my thoughts, Brax stands, still between my thighs. He strips off his clothes like he does it for a living, showing off his perfect body with ease. He’s wearing boxer briefs that hide little from the imagination as he stands before me completely erect. Then, after teasing the waistband of his briefs for a moment, he pulls those off too.

Yesss… my brain seems to hiss. They’re all gorgeous from head-to-toes with cocks bigger than any man’s I’ve seen in my life. I want to throw them a parade or shout it from the rooftop. But then, of course, some bitches would come along and want to ride them, and I’d be left horny and alone.
