Page 132 of The Secret Omega

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I dumped the bag fifteen minutes ago, and now I’m taking the long way back to my room. I knew that they’d be outside on a warm summer night like this, and there’s no way they wouldn’t bring out the omegas to entertain them.

It’s risky to loiter out here for too long—they’re stupid, but not that stupid. But I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see her again.

A bell tinkles and my head jolts toward the door. My head darts up at the sounds, and I almost start salivating in anticipation. In a flurry of excitement, they appear. Running from the big house, they fall down the wide steps, a giggling, squealing mass.

They’re all omegas, and every single one of them looks the same—strawberry blonde curls, blue eyes, and tight curves.

But even though she shares a face with the others, she’s different. Special. I recognize her right away, trailing after the others, a dreamy smile on her face.

My heart stops beating as she weaves through the trees barefoot. Just like the rest of the omegas, she’s wearing a flowing, silky white dress. But she has some sparkling headband weaved in her hair, so she shines brighter. Like a star.

One by one, each of the omegas makes her way to one of the men, falling on his lap. The men laugh heartily, rubbing their hands up and down the omegas’ bodies, leering at their breasts.

My omega goes to the lap of the biggest man—the one with the bald head and giant belly. He grabs at her greedily as she straddles his wide lap. Her head comes down to his neck, and I watch him whisper something in her ear, rubbing his hand in slow circles on her ass. She pulls back laughing, a tinkling sound that carries on the wind.

An angry, possessive anger boils inside me. He shouldn’t be touching her. Smelling her. I should. She’s mine. I’ve known it since the moment I laid eyes on her. Growling, I step forward against my will.

Suddenly, her head pops up, her eyes searching the tree line.

Can she see me?

I can’t help it. I’m moving forward without realizing it, following the path under the bright trees.

He says something to her, moving her face so she’s looking down at him again. She nods, her eyes wide as I keep moving against my will, like she has me on a leash.


There’s a crashing sound as my foot bangs against something hard. I jump, finally looking down. One of the flowerpots lining the path lies broken on the pavement.

Both she and the man look up with a start. For a moment, I think she sees me in the darkness. Something shifts in her, her eyes brightening and her posture straightening.

I’m about to move toward her again when a sharp prick on my neck stops me. I slap at it, stumbling backward as a man’s face appears before my blurry vision, his breath sour as he spits words at my face.

“You just lost your privileges, freak.” Wrapping his arm around my neck, he pulls me down to the pavement. Away from the light. Away from her. “It’s back to yer cell with you.”

I release a choking sound of denial before I’m encompassed by darkness.
