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He grinned. “I’d like that.”

The smile faded from his face, and while it didn’t go unnoticed by her when she questioned him on it, he denied anything bothering him.

“I’m looking forward to seeing you again,” he whispered quietly.

Before she could respond, he leaned in and kissed her, but not before she noticed the hesitancy on his face at the prospect of taking her with him on Sunday.

Whatever was bothering him, she promptly forgot about it as his mouth stole her breath away. She moaned against his lips, wanting more, but knowing she had to be up in a few hours put a damper on anything further.

With her hands on his chest, she pushed him away gently. Everything about him felt right. She didn’t want to go, and she didn’t want the night to end. Before she got out of the car, she stole one more kiss.

It took every ounce of her willpower to open the door of his immaculate car and leave him behind.



Alexis went to bed with thoughts of Magnus on her mind. More than anything, she wished he had come into her apartment and spent the night, but with everything going on, now wasn’t the time.

There was so much she wanted to ask him, so much more she wanted to say, but there would be time for that later. Right now, she needed to focus on launching her new product, and after thoroughly testing the acne cream made without salicylic acid, she was eager to get her product on as many shelves across the United States as she could.

The next morning, Alexis threw herself into getting ready for the expo. She was incredibly busy setting up tables, folding pamphlets, and practicing her speech. Her mind had little time to dwell on her sexy alpha. Every little thing had to be perfect for tomorrow.

When her phone dinged for the third time that morning, she pulled it out of her purse with a huff. Once again, it was Carvin, and she had been diligently ignoring him for a good portion of the week.

One would think, after days of not responding, that Carvin would get the hint. Yet, the text messages kept coming. She read the newest one with a sigh.

You busy?

After a serious moment of internal debate, she slid the bar on her screen to the right and opened her phone.

I am Carvin. I’m trying to get ready for my expo. Talk later!

“How about we talk now?”

She closed her eyes in frustration, recognizing his voice even before she turned around to face him. Alexis slipped her phone back into her purse before spinning about, a forced smile plastered to her face. Even if it’s the day before the expo opens, you’d think security wouldn’t let just anyone in.

“Carvin, hi.”

“Well, hello, gorgeous.”

She swallowed uncomfortably, her eyes darting in either direction to see who was closest to her in case she needed help. Carvin made her skin crawl.

“What are you doing here, Carvin? I told you I was busy.”

He took a step toward her, and she took two steps backward. Immediately, her heart picked up its pace, and her nerves skyrocketed.

“I came to see you. You haven’t been answering my calls or my texts, and there was something I wanted to discuss with you.”

Alexis fervently hoped it wasn’t the prospect of another date. After going out with Magnus, the last thing in the world she wanted to do was date Carvin. If she was being honest with herself, she had no plans on ever dating Carvin again. He was a slimeball.

In an attempt to keep herself busy and her eyes anywhere but his face, she took a white tablecloth out of its plastic packaging and began arranging it across the tabletop. As she smoothed imaginary wrinkles for the second time, she realized there was just no avoiding him since he was standing directly in front of her.

“What did you want to talk about?” she asked, trying to keep the chill out of her voice.

Carvin’s smile bordered on a condescending sneer, and Alexis felt her stomach turn. Did she once find this man attractive? Not only did he make her skin crawl, but she sensed he was dangerous as well. She kept a chair between them as a safety measure and glanced around for security again, but no one was in sight.

“I was thinking about everything you told me over dinner. Your business might be successful, but it could be so much more. My company is massive, Alexis. I could buy your company out, and together, we could build on it and make it that much bigger. We could double, triple, even quadruple your profits.”

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