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Alexis refused to let it upset her. She knew not everyone would accept her because of her full human blood, and it was okay. After all, she had her arm hooked around the pride leader so that no one would dare give him trouble.

She cast a sidelong glance at Magnus as they chatted with a shifter couple. His mere presence empowered her already confident demeanor. It was as if he was radiating charismatic energy.

Pride members listened to him as he talked. They hung on to his every word like he was their deity, and even then, he spoke to them with the utmost respect.

Looks like my research proved correctly, she thought to herself with a smile. She thought back to earlier in the morning, having delved deep into the internet with searches on Magnus Kade.

Her head was fresh with knowledge of how much work he did on a daily basis, how important he was to his company, and how devoted he was to the people under his wing.

“Are you enjoying yourself so far?” he asked.

“It’s splendid, really,” she said. “You’re a popular man, it seems.”

“These people are important to me. I’m just doing my best to be a good leader to them, to make them feel acknowledged and heard.” He pulled back his suit jacket, tapping his watch. “Speaking of being heard, it’s about time I head to the main stage and deliver my speech.”

He patted his pockets, double-checking each one. Alexis’s cheeks ached from smiling so much as she pulled out a piece of paper.

“Looking for this?” she asked.

“My speech! I thought I left something behind. What would I do without you?”

He planted a soft kiss on her lips and took her hand. Together, they made their way to the main stage where a podium stood center, ready for the pride leader to make his speech.

Not-so-faint whispers and murmurs that Magnus was about to give his address spread quickly among the fairgoers, some now directly following behind their leader as he approached the stairway.

Alexis felt as though she was walking with a celebrity. He turned and gently pulled her closer.

“This is where we must part for a few minutes, but why don’t you head to the front of the stage? I’ll have some pride members carve a path through the crowd for you. That way, I’ll be near you the whole time.”

She kissed him for good luck, and as promised, she was then escorted by burly members of the pride. Soon, she stood before the stage with Magnus taking center stage just in front of her.

She glanced over her shoulder at the crowd. It was clear that everyone had dropped everything and assembled at the main stage for their leader.

The free spaces near her were swiftly filling, and soon, she was practically sardined. She didn’t mind, though, knowing she was safe with her man close.

Magnus waved to everyone as they cheered and roared his name. He winked at Alexis, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as her heart pumped with admiration for her lover.

It felt good to be with a respected man, and it gave her reassurance that he was the right choice. With heaps of love and praise being thrown out during his speech, she felt as if she were a member of the pride herself.

Magnus was the epitome of perfection, not only in his looks and personality but how he seemed to have a pristine grip on every aspect of his life.

“How the hell do you do it all?” wondered Alexis, though her words fell unheard amidst the cheering and chanting.

She ran to meet him as soon as he thanked everyone for attending, a signal that his address was coming to an end. He was welcomed into her open arms as he stepped down from the stage.

“You killed it up there.” She beamed. “Everyone loves you.”

They quickly escaped from the main stage, returning to the fairgrounds. She grasped his arm, knowing he was hers for the rest of the day.

“I want to ask you something. How do you balance everything in your life?” she asked. “Between running the pride, managing your business, and being so devoted to me?”

He looked down at her, his eyes soft and gentle. She noticed his pupils dilate.

“While it may seem like I do the impossible, I’m still only one man,” he told her. “The truth is that I have people who take care of smaller tasks and other errands for me. Even then, though, I still want to dial things down, preferably sooner than later.”

“Oh, how come?”

“Because I want to invest in my relationship,” he remarked. “Money comes and goes, but time isn’t forever. I don't want to be an absentee partner to my mate, and my future kids deserve to have a father who’s present in their lives.”
