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“I hired her to clean the house.”

I glance toward him. Now is not the time to be having this conversation, but it’s happening anyway. “What do you mean you hired her to clean your house? You don’t need a maid.”

He nods. “I do. I’m out all day and I need someone to help out.”

“With what?”

“House stuff.” He looks away and waves toward her. Sometimes James worries me. He spent a good chuck of time in the military before he settled out here with me. And while I know his intentions are good, he’s a little intense.

The music starts and I redirect my attention to my one and only. We haven’t gone crazy with decorations or wardrobe. Instead, we’ve spread flower petals and wildflowers around the ring with a few candles. Music is being played by the church guitarist, and dinner is a barbeque with a popcorn maker… like Dolly wanted.

She’s wearing a cute little white dress she had a friend in town make for her and I’m wearing my best jeans and a big ‘ole belt buckle. Couldn’t have asked for a nicer day either. The whole day has been dry and sunny and tonight it’s breezy and cool.

Dolly looks toward me as she walks down the aisle. At first, I thought her idea to walk the aisle alone was sad. But the more she talked, the more she convinced me that this was the right choice. To her, the walk is liberating. She’s telling everybody who ever doubted her that she’s got this. This walk is her taking control of her life and finally doing things her way.

I’ve never been prouder of a human being in my life.

I reach for her hand and take it in mine, kissing her soft lips as she reaches out for me.

The officiant says, “We are gathered here today to celebrate the love of two people in a very unconventional way. However, if you think about it, the rodeo ring might be the most poetic place to start a marriage. Here in this ring, you learn to hold on when the ride gets tough, to look for the positive in a run, and you learn you’ve got five minutes to be upset before that bull is ready again.”

The crowd laughs and so do Dolly and I. I hadn’t thought of our venue in any way other than how much Dolly liked the idea, but if you think about it, the clergyman is right. Life is a lot like a rodeo. When you’re focused on doing great, great things happen.

“Austin, if you’d like to say your vows.” The man in black offers me the stage. And while I’ve never been great at talking in front of people, I look toward my Dolly, and I speak like I am.

“You, my sweet girl, have changed my life. You’ve shown me the good that I didn’t think existed, and you’ve warmed up my every day with a beauty I can’t live without. I promise to be faithful, honest, and kind. I promise to respect you, protect you, and honor you. I promise to love with everythin’ I am forever and ever, and I swear that the last thing I say on this earth will be I love you, because you are the most important thing that God ever gave to me.”

Tears roll down Dolly’s face and the clergyman hands her a tissue before offering her a chance to speak.

“Austin,” her tone is sweet and soft, “you make me feel like I can do anything. Like a superhero with no flaws. You’re brave, strong, smart, funny, and I love you so much.” She wipes away another tear. “I vow to give you my whole heart. I vow to care for you, honor you, and stand by your side all the days of my life.”

We exchange gold band rings with tears in our eyes and I lean in for a kiss.

I’ve imagined this moment since the first night I spent with Dolly. I wondered what it would feel like holding her in my arms, knowing that she was my wife. I wondered what she’d say, how she’d act, what her smile would look like under the moonlight.

And here we are… married.

Two people as one, ready to go back to the ranch and build a life together.

Her lips meet mine and the invisible thread of anticipation between us charges with electricity. Every nerve in my body hums with desire.

My heart rate picks up and I trace the delicate line of her jaw with the tip of my finger. Her skin is satin and inviting.

A tremor runs through her, and a tender reverence is in her eyes as I brush my lips against hers, savoring the moment.

I deepen the kiss, melding our lips together in something more. Something that’s beyond me and beyond this moment. Something I’ll remember forever. The taste of berries in her mouth, the scent of vanilla on her skin, my fingers tangled in her hair.

We pull from each other, and our closest friends clap and cheer. Even James has a tear in his eye.

“I guess we’ll skip the kiss the bride part,” the clergyman says with a smile. “Cowboys have their own rules.”

Dolly grins. “Cowgirls too.”

The clergyman laughs. “I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

I take my wife’s hand and we walk the narrow path through wildflowers and rose petals toward the chute where I’ve set up a surprise I can’t wait to show Dolly.

“Can you believe we’re married? Like married, married?” She glares up at me with a wide grin. “I’m your wife!”
