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He smiles and brushes his hand down over his beard before tipping his hat. “Good. We’re showin’ promise then. I’ll see you tonight.”

My heart slams against my chest as he walks away. Something tells me I’m going to regret this.

Chapter Two


“Can you watch the dog this weekend?” My brother James isn’t the pliable guy I’m needing right now. He’s actually the opposite of that. If you need coffee, the man will convince you that tea is the better option, then go out of his way to provide research on the matter. If you love sunshine, he’ll tell you the light from the moon is somehow more cleansing. Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, he’s a debater and he’ll debate just about anything so long as he has the time. We come from a line of stubborn assholes, and he happened to inherit the worst of it. At least that’s the way I figure it. If you were asking him, he’d probably tell you the opposite.

“Can’t. I’m helping out down at the bakery. I got a call last night. Thought you’d be there.”

“Nah. They probably called you to replace me. I’ve got a thing out of town I have to take care of.”

“This got anything to do with the twenty something I saw you with in town this morning?”

I stir the pot of pasta on the stove. “What in the hell are you talkin’ about? You didn’t see me.”

“Right as rain. Saw you having coffee with a thick, blond girl down on Main Street. Way too young for you, but… cute.”


“What in the hell are you doin’ at the coffee shop?”

“Wasn’t. I was at the hardware store. I walked by and saw you in the window… but you’re deflecting. What’s going on?”

I sigh. “You can’t say nothin’ and I need you to take the dog with you this weekend. She’ll keep you company.”

He groans low. “I told you that a dog was too much right now. Why in the hell did you insist on doing it?”

“Fucking hell, man. Can you help me or not?”

“Tell me what’s going on,” he groans.

“I’m helpin’ that girl out this weekend at her mom’s weddin.’ She needs a date.”

He laughs. “Why in the hell does she want a pain in the ass like you helping her? You tell her you haven’t dated in ten years, and you wouldn’t know how to treat a woman if she handed you her how-to manual?”

I know he’s busting my balls, but he’s not wrong. I don’t know what I’m doing with women. That’s part of the reason I gave up on them. Life is easier on my own. I get up, I do the chores, and I live a peaceful little life on the ranch. I don’t owe anyone explanations and I don’t have to worry about anyone but myself. Most of the time, that’s great. Then again, a lot of the time, it’s not.

“You’re one to talk. How’s the datin’ scene going for you?”

He laughs. “It’s doing just fine. I stay home and women leave me the hell alone. Easy.”

“Right,” I grunt. “I’ll drop the puppy off tomorrow night. Dolly’s pullin’ up. I gotta go.”

“She’s coming over to your house? I thought this was a wedding thing?”

I’ve already said too much. “Gotta go, man. I’ll call you later.” I disconnect the line and head toward the front door, opening it before she can knock. The puppy chases after her, jumping up on her legs, begging for attention.

“Oh my God!” Dolly squeals. “She’s so damn cute!” She bends down and lifts the dog into her arms, nuzzling her face against the dog’s neck. “What’s her name?”

I shrug. “Don’t have one yet.”

Dolly’s brows narrow. “What? How long have you had her?”

“Two days. I keep debatin’ on somethin’ basic like Molly or somethin’ more exotic like Athena.”

“No, no, no. You have to name her something meaningful. You said she’s going to be an emotional support dog down at the rodeo with you. So what about… Pistol or Outlaw?”
