Page 91 of Cruel Fate

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“I need to tell you something.”

He shook his head. “You’ll tell me later.”

“No.” He grabbed my wrist, but I yanked it right back. “You need to know, now.”

Then I said it.

Two sentences.

Two sentences that completely changed the trajectory of our relationship.

Adrik blinked, and his brows knitted together as if he was unable to process the information. His lips parted ever so slightly, confusion washing over his features. Then, as if the realization had finally hit him, his mouth closed, jaw clenched.

“You’re lying,” he stated. “It can’t be.”

I smiled. “For the first time in a while, I’m being honest.”

He was in my personal space again. “We’ll talk about that later. Let’s move now.”

A tear slid down my cheek involuntarily. I didn’t want to cry or to allow him to see me crying. But this was how I chose the ending, and now I had to deal with the consequences.

“I’m sorry.”

Whilst he was off guard, I approached him.

Although he was still on high alert, that wasn’t the case when it came to me. I grabbed him by his forearms and gave him a small smile. Another tear slid down my cheek. At that point, I couldn’t stop them. I didn’t want them to stop.

Then, with all the strength I had left in my body, I pushed him out of the window.

That look on his face was something that I’d carry in my memory, even in the afterlife. The shock lasted no more than half a second before it turned into fury. But by the time he realized what I’d done, it was too late for him to regain his balance.

Instead, he fell out of the window with a scream of my name. The last one I’d ever heard.

I couldn’t watch him fall, but he would fall on grass, and we weren’t that high. He would be fine.

Finally, I allowed myself to release a deep breath. My body trembled, and my knees gave out. As I fell down, coughing from the amount of smoke that surrounded me, along with the fire that was increasing at a rapid speed, I screamed.

A scream for everything.

One scream for the little girl that was thrust into this world. Tortured. Abused. For all the tears that she shed, for all the begging that was futile. Her voice was never heard—it was never quite loud enough. She was neglected, spoken over, and never cared about. All she wanted was love, and it’s something she never got to experience.

One scream for the path I chose. I was too weak against Bogdan, too weak to go against his intense abuse. I should’ve been able to withstand it, to come out as a winner, yet I couldn’t. Early on, I learned how to shut out my emotions, all the feelings, until they were so foreign to me that I couldn’t understand them unless they were explained.

One scream for everything that I never got to experience. I was never going to know what it was like to have a loving family, normal date nights with Adrik, or just to experience getting married to him and spending the rest of my life with him.

Soon enough, the fire was all around me and my lungs filled with smoke. The wound started to bleed excessively, but, surprisingly, there was no pain. My body stopped shaking, and I was numb. Even with coughing from all the smoke, nothing seemed to hurt me.

Bright, wide flames surrounded me. I was entirely trapped, watching the beautiful shades of orange, yellow, and red morph together. It was very warm and put my mind at ease. I couldn’t help but smile through my tears.

It was true what they said.

When faced with death, your life flashed before your eyes. It was quick, almost like a videotape. All of my memories, some fond, some terrible, were flashing in images in my mind, switching at a rapid speed. All the lives I’d taken, all the blood I’d spilled, all the faces of people that had died by my hand.

It was perfect.

This was the ending I chose; the perfect ending for a villainess. That was how I would be remembered: as the sociopathic bitch with no remorse.

It had quite a nice ring to it, didn’t it?

With one last breath, I closed my eyes.

It was game over.

And in the end, I had no one to blame except myself and this cruel fate.

To be continued...
