Page 25 of Vows of Love

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Brielle grumbled something, and I leaned up on my elbow to look down at her.

“What was that?”


“Brielle.” My tone was firm and made it clear I wasn’t asking.

She sighed. “I said ‘no kidding.’”


“Your stupid, irresistible cock and your addiction to fucking me bare had the same damn result it would have if we were teenagers,” she whispered, almost angrily.

I processed what she’d said for a few moments. Then a grin slowly spread across my face. “Are you trying to tell me you’re pregnant, Brielle?”

“No. I’m tryingnotto tell you that,” she muttered with a huffy breath.

In the blink of an eye, I had her flat on her back and was covering her body with mine. “You’re having my baby, Brie?”

“Yes.” Her lips curled upward, and I was relieved to see that she was simply irritated that I’d knocked her up after she’d said we were done. She wasn’t unhappy to be pregnant.

“It wasn’t like I did it on purpose, babe,” I defended myself.Mostly.

Brielle snorted in disbelief. “Mostly.”

I shouldn’t have been surprised that she knew me so well. I sighed. “I wasn’ttryingto. I just thought it would be nice if it happened.”

“Well, all that thinking must have put it out in the universe because the one time you wore a condom, if freaking broke!” Brielle’s birth control had fallen out a couple of months ago, and she’d told me that the only way we could have sex before she went in to have it replaced the next day was if I wore a condom. It was supposed to take some time for the effects to wear off, so when the condom broke, she hadn’t seemed too worried.

“Sorry?” I offered, feeling a little guilty for being so happy the condom failed and hoping she would end up pregnant.

She slapped my arm and snapped, “You are not, you big caveman. You love it when I’m pregnant.” Then she sniffed and wiped her eyes. “And you’re such a good daddy.”

My heart twisted at the sight of her tears. The worst part of Brielle being pregnant was that she’d been super emotional and cried at the drop of a hat. Although, she’d also been insatiably horny, so that helped make up for it.

“You’re happy about the baby, right?” she asked.

“Are you kidding?” I grinned and wrapped her up in my arms. “You know I wanted as many kids as you were willing to give me. I’m ecstatic, baby.”

“After this, the next time you want a kid, you better make sure science has advanced enough for you to carry it.”

I laughed and rolled us onto our sides, then kissed her nose. “Every day, I wonder if it will be the one where I figure out how I got so damn lucky to have you fall in love with me.”

“It wasn’t luck, Lennox. We were made for each other.”
