Page 113 of Cold Hearted Casanova

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I threw the door to the bathroom open, pushed my pants down, and squatted for a pee in the toilet. He balanced against the sink, knotting his arms over his chest.

“You’re being unnecessarily overbearing,” I pointed out.

“You’re being unnecessarily stubborn.” His gaze dropped between my thighs, and a small smirk graced his face. “But I like that we’ve reached this level of intimacy. I draw the line at number two, though.”

“Eyes up here!” I snapped my fingers. “What about Charlie? We can’t leave him.”

“Fuck Charlie. He’s not our kid.” Riggs shrugged. “Besides, it’s just for one weekend. He’ll survive that long.”

My stomach roiled. He had no idea it was his father he was talking about. I felt like Judas Iscariot. A deceiving Demas.

“Well, I don’t want to go.” I had a feeling there was something he wasn’t telling me.

“Then I guess I’ll just have to invite my next available hookup. Can’t let your ticket go to waste, can we?”

I flushed, bulldozing toward the sink. Riggs didn’t move. I purposely splashed water at him while washing my hands.

“You’re being a bully,” I seethed, scrubbing my fingers unnecessarily hard.

“You’re being unreasonable,” he clapped back. When I finished washing my hands, he clasped my wrist and tugged me to my room. “Now, get packing.”

“What’s the hurry?” I buried my heels in the floor, refusing to budge.

“Just wanting to get this sham marriage over with, and what better way than to finally meet the bride’s family?”

“You didn’t seem so eager to be done with me yesterday, when we shared a bed,” I said conversationally.

Riggs sneered. “First of all, it was a shower, and second, don’t confuse fucking with romance.”

We stopped in my room. I turned around. We were both panting hard.

“Riggs.” I used my shaking hands to pull my hair back. “You’re scaring me. What’s happening?”

“Look, I’m feeling very confined right now. I haven’t been outside of this goddamn state in over a month. I’m growing antsy, and this was the one trip I could write off as legitimate in Emmett’s eyes. A honeymoon. And since I can’t take you anywhere else because of your visa application, I thought you’d enjoy seeing your family.”

I felt selfish and completely self-absorbed. Of course he felt claustrophobic. Never before had he stayed in one place for so long. He was only here because we needed to pretend. And I hadn’t seen my family in so long. So bloody long, and my heart squeezed at the thought of hugging them again. Charlie could wait for one weekend. It wasn’t ideal, but Riggs’s world was about to detonate, and he deserved one last happy weekend.

“I’ll pack a bag right now.”



Emmett: Getting claustrophobic yet?

Riggs: New York is a big place.

Emmett: Not big enough for your brand of issues.

Riggs: I didn’t know you moonlight as a shrink. There is just no limit to the things you can do without talent, is there?

Emmett: Did you pay her to marry you?

Riggs: Are you listening to yourself?

Emmett: Well, did you?

Riggs: Goodbye, E.
