Page 135 of Cold Hearted Casanova

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No pets

No hookups

No fraternizing with your spouse

He turned around, smiling big at me. “There you go. I’m stretching your horizons.”

“More like tearing them apart.” I stood next to him, furious. I was happier when he stretched other parts of me. “You can’t just adopt a pet without consulting with me first. Especially as I’ll be the one to take care of it.”

Riggs stepped forward, getting in my face. His eyes were dark and thunderous. “I don’t think you understand the meaning of this wordcan’t. Because that’s exactly what I’m doing.”

He turned around and went back downstairs to bring the rest of Micko’s things, refusing to speak another word to me. And when darkness peered down at us from the window, he slid into the settee like he’d never left, turning his back to me.

Riggs was different. Changed. And he wanted to destroy my house rules, my anchor, my sense of control.

If he didn’t have control, he didn’t want me to have it either.

The message was loud and clear.

We were over. For good.



The next couple of weeks were hell on earth.

Foolishly—and with complete disregard to logic—I decided to break the news to my family via FaceTime that BJ and I were done. A dreadful idea, really. Mum and Tim were technologically challenged and kept frowning at the screen and leaning into it, as if I was trapped inside Kieran’s mobile.

“My goodness, darling! Broken up? Completely, you mean?” Mum clutched her fake pearls. The same ones that usually made my skin crawl but these days seemed like a funny anecdote about the woman I loved so dearly.

“Yes, Mum, he cheated on me in Thailand. Kier, I thought you told her?”

“I did.” Kieran threw his hands in the air in the background. “She asked how many times, so clearly we didn’t get the reaction we were shooting for.”

“Mum!” I chided, appalled. “Once is more than enough! It’s like murder. You don’t have to be prolific to get into the halls of villaindom.”

“Was he pissed when he did that?” Tim asked seriously. “You know the bloke can’t handle his liquor.”

“Stop making excuses for him!” I fumed.

“We just don’t want you to think you’ve wasted so many years on nothing, darlin’,” Tim explained sheepishly. “You seem to like that twat, for a reason beyond our grasp.”

“Mum, Tim, a time with the wrong person isn’t wasted. It’s like going to school. You’re paying your dues and getting educated about what you want in a partner ... and what you certainly don’t.”

“Does she look heartbroken to you?” Kieran barked out a laugh. “Look at her. She has that bedding-someone-a-decade-older-than-me-who-is-also-my-roommate-oops-the-secret-is-out glow.”

Kieran was lucky we were an ocean apart, because I’d have loved to throw one of my heeled shoes at him right now.

“Is that so?” Mum lit up like a Christmas tree.On fire.Oh God, so awkward. Also—soraw. I wasn’t prepared to tell them Riggs and I were already finished.

“No, Mum, it’s not.” I shot Kieran a scowl. “Riggs and I are only roommates.”

“Who have sex together,” Kieran finished. Did Riggs tell him, or was it one of those twin psychic things?

“You snitch,” I accused.

“You prude!” Kieran laughed.
