Page 157 of Cold Hearted Casanova

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Sleep with other women?

He shook his head. “Not when I was mad at you and we lived together. Not after I was gone. Not during my travels. Not ever. I’ve been faithful to you from the day I moved in with you.”

“But I smelled other women’s perfume on you.”

“Arya’s.” His chest quaked with a chuckle. “I crashed at Christian’s when we were on bad terms. Their entire apartment smells like lilies.”

“What about Gretchen?” I started panting. I was very close to climaxing.

“Gretchen?” He sounded surprised. “I told her to go screw herself months ago. She was in town from DC while you and I were married.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” My question was more of a sigh. The pressure building between my legs was unbearable, and I knew I was about to come apart any moment now. Riggs increased the pressure, and I tried not to think about how we were doing this in my parents’ kitchen and any one of my family members could walk right in at any moment and catch us.

“There wasn’t a point.” He trailed his tongue along my jaw. “You were stressed about finding a job, and it wasn’t like Gretchen stood half a chance. From the moment I saw you, Poppins, I was all yours.”

I came riding his hand. Riggs watched me the entire time. When the brain fog of the orgasm began to evaporate, I got up on shaky legs and hurried to get some water. Riggs leisurely stood up and washed his hands.

“So ... what’s next?” I heard myself ask tightly. I still couldn’t believe my luck. “You’ll be traveling the world and coming to visit me here?”

I couldn’t help but remember what had stopped me from fantasizing about something more with Riggs. His inability to stay in one place for a long period of time was always there, and I doubted he wanted to change.

Riggs smiled. “I was thinking our marriage could be more traditional. As my wife might say—I’m no spring chicken anymore. Besides, settling down is not all that bad when there’s someone next to you you’re obsessed with.”

We met halfway in my parents’ kitchen.

“London or New York?” I asked.

“Let’s flip a coin.”

He produced one from his wallet.

“Heads New York, tails London,” I said.

He tossed it in the air, then flipped it on the back of his palm, covering it.

“You ready?” He looked up at me. I nodded.

Riggs revealed our future location.

We both laughed.

“Perfect.” He kissed my forehead. “Absolutely perfect.”



Emmett: Free for freelance work?

Riggs: Where?

Emmett: Croatia. Some of the shots require special skill, mountain climbing, etc.

Riggs: I’ll ask my wife and get back to you.

Emmett: Thanks.

Emmett: And Riggs? You’re missed.
