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After that, I was still standing in the middle of the room, unsure whether to follow him.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked without turning to me.

"What?" What did he mean by that?

"That I was watching you, and the..." He sighed. "The situation in your bed?"

"Yes, I already have." Surprised, I realized that it was really true. I wasn't angry with him—quite the opposite. I was grateful to him.

He finally looked at me. There was wonder in his gaze, which held so much tenderness.


"I don't know," I answered honestly.

He just nodded and then left the room in silence.

And then suddenly, I knew why.

Because I started to fall in love with him.


After a small snack, we gathered in the entrance hall. Aspasia and I quickly put our hair up so it wouldn't stand out.

We made a funny picture: six people dressed the same, with big black hats under our arms. Without being so nervous, we would undoubtedly have laughed about it, but no one felt like laughing. Everyone was serious and withdrawn.

I was still thinking, and my nervousness had a different origin than the group members. I could hardly look in Tanael's direction; I was so disturbed by my feelings and the knowledge I had just gained. Why him, of all people? Why couldn't I fall in love with an ordinary man? Edward, for example? But not with an exiled god, a broken angel, a being from the underworld, and, above all, not with a man who loved another woman for thousands of years.

This would be painful for me and my heart if I didn't immediately stop it. But how? How could you stop love?

"Myrina?" Tanael addressed me, and the whole group looked in my direction. Shit, had he asked me a question?

"Yes?" I tried to look as innocent as possible, hoping he hadn't read my previous thoughts.

"Have you memorized the way on the map? The one from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to the Wailing Wall?" Tanael patiently repeated his question. Had I memorized it? I honestly didn't know. There had been too many distractions in the last few hours. How could I remember my way through a strange city and in the dark, to boot?

But the looks from the others were so expectant. I didn't want to disappoint them.

"I think so," I mumbled, hoping no one would ask me anything in detail.

"Good, that means we have two people in each group who can find the Wailing Wall," the angel summarized.

Had he always looked so good in black?

Pull yourself together, Myrina, I ordered myself. If I didn't concentrate now, I would endanger us all.

"Stephan, here's a map of Jerusalem; I've marked your route in case something goes wrong." Tanael handed the demon a folded document. I would undoubtedly find my way with this.

"Let's go! And remember not to put your hats on until we're outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre." With these words, the God of the First Light opened a portal that looked dark on the other side.

Tanael walked through first to ensure its safety. His hand quickly signaled us to follow him. Inside the Chapel of the Angel, which was smaller than I had expected, only two candles lit a square block, illuminating the room.

It was impossible to tell what this block of stone was, but I couldn't help but stare at it.

"The angel who told Mary Magdalene that Jesus had risen was sitting on this stone," Tanael's voice explained in my head.

Directly behind it was a small tunnel.
