Page 57 of Secret Santa

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I hesitated before I knocked on the door, walking into the room as I did so. Aiden’s head slowly lifted, his eyes softening. His gaze roamed over me, and when he got to my feet, to the heels, his brows lifted. He pushed away whatever papers he’d been reading and leaned back in his chair, a lazy smile spreading across his face.

“That was a quick shower,” he commented with a wry look.

“I remembered I hadn’t given you your gift yet,” I said, and his smile broadened, his white teeth flashing.

“Is that so?” He locked his fingers behind his head as he scanned me again. “What did you get me?” Slowly, I walked toward him, but stopped far enough away so he couldn’t touch me.

“I thought about it for a while,” I said, toeing the carpet. “What could I get the man who has enough money to buy anything he could ever want? Anything I could give you, you can buy yourself. I wanted my gift to be special.” My heart hammered as I spoke, and I hoped he couldn’t hear the shakiness in my voice.

“Any gift you give me will be special,” he said, and I gave him a look.

“You’re telling me, if I got you a tie, it would be special? You have a million ties.”

“It would be my most prized possession,” he said seriously. “It would be my favorite tie because it came from you. I’d throw all the others out.”

My heart stuttered. He didn’t know what those words did to me–the impact they truly had. He said them with such adoration, I stopped breathing.

I shook myself.

I was here on a mission–lose my virginity to him, hopefully on his desk in the next five minutes.

I let out a breath, finding my courage again.

“Well, I think you’re lying,” I said, and he huffed out a laugh. “A tie’s a tie is a tie. It’s not special.” I waved my hand around as I began to pace. My nerves coiled tighter, and I needed to move before I exploded. “But I thought of something. Something only I can give you. You could get it from someone else, yeah.” I stopped to look at him. He was watching me carefully, like he was genuinely intrigued. “But it wouldn’t be mine. You wouldn’t have mine.”

“Yours?” He tilted his head to the side. “You’re giving me a hand-me-down?” He was teasing me, but for some reason, it stung. Knowing he probably never wore a hand-me-down anything in his privileged life made me feel small, like I was playing with the rich kid, like I wasn’t welcome.

But I was welcome. This was Aiden, and I knew he meant it in a lighthearted way. I forced that sting away. I was worthy of this life. I was worthy of him.

“It’s not a hand-me-down,” I said dryly. “It’s a lot more special than that, I think.”

“The suspense is killing me.” He rested his forearms on the desk as he leaned forward. His eyes quickly scanned me from head to toe. If he knew what it was, he didn’t let on. I knew the moment he realized I wasn’t carrying anything. His brows scrunched tightly together. “Where is it?”

Without giving myself time to second guess myself, I held my breath as I slipped the robe off, letting it pool around my feet. His eyes widened as he took me in, as he scanned me slowly, like he was burning this image into his mind forever.

“Danica,” he breathed, his voice dazed. Finally, he pulled his eyes away from my body to look up at me. So much was said with that look, so many words passed through it, like he couldn’t bear to say any of them aloud.

“Do you like it?” I whispered. I forced myself not to fidget as he scanned me again.

“Come here, baby,” he said, leaning back in the chair again. He patted his thigh, and on too-shaky legs, I made my way to him. I slid onto his lap and his arm wrapped around my waist. “You’re beautiful.” His breath ghosted along my bare skin, forcing goosebumps to ripple.

He leaned into me, his eyes lifting to mine again. A silent question passed through them, and I leaned forward, brushing my lips across his in permission.

He didn’t waste time as he pressed his mouth more firmly to mine, swallowing my quiet whimper. His arm was a comforting anchor around my waist, holding me against him possessively.

Blindly, my hand reached out and shoved the papers on the desk, moving them away. He helped, his hand moving over mine as we fumbled to clear the desk.

“Get on it,” he rasped before kissing me again. “I need to taste you.” I scrambled onto the desk, his hands dropping to my hips to help lift me onto it.

Moving the chair closer, he rested my legs on the arms of it, spreading me enough for him to sit between them. I rested on my elbows as I watched him smooth his hands up my shins, up my thighs, his eyes glued to the thin red silk between my legs.

I let my knees fall apart, opening more for him. His shoulders shoved them apart even more as he slid his finger under the silky ribbon and tugged it to the side. The cold air hit my pussy and I inhaled sharply. His eyes lifted to mine, darker and more intense than I’d ever seen them.

“Please,” I whimpered, the sound needy and wanting. Slowly, his hand drifted back down my leg, and he wrapped it around my ankle, then rested it on his shoulder.
