Page 43 of Yours Truly

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“I did,” she whispered, sounding ashamed.

That wouldn’t do.

We drove in silence for a few moments while I searched for a side road. Once I found one, we disappeared down it. The only good thing about living in a small town like this was that trees surrounded it, giving us a million places to hide.

Driving between some trees, I parked the car and turned toward her. Her face and chest were flushed, her eyes massive as she stared back at me.

“What are we doing here?” she asked, her voice shaky. But I didn’t think it was shaky from fear. I thought it was from something else entirely.

“You sounded embarrassed that you liked the book,” I said, watching her throat bob as she swallowed. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed.”

“But…the things he did to her?—”

“They can’t be bad if they made you feel good, right?” I leaned toward her, resting my hand on her thigh. I gripped it tightly, forcing her legs apart, and she gasped. I hadn’t been rough with her the other day, but my restraint was slipping. “What did you like about it?”

Her face flushed a deeper crimson, and I leaned over, inhaling her sweet scent. I could feel her body trembling, like she was forcing herself to not say the words she wanted.

“I liked it all,” she finally blurted, her voice breathless.

“All of it?” I hummed, dragging my nose along her jaw. “Did you like it when he called her a whore?”

I felt her hesitation. She dragged her tongue along her lower lip, her throat bobbing in a thick swallow. “Yes,” she admitted.

“Did you play with yourself while you read? Did you think of me calling you my little whore?”


“You did, didn’t you?” I murmured, my voice raspy.

Reaching across her, I pulled the lever, forcing the seat back. She let out a loud gasp, scrambling to grab hold of something to stay upright, but I gently pushed her back, forcing her to recline. My hand slid back between her legs, and she spread them apart more.

“Good girl. Keep them open for me,” I said softly. She spread them as far apart as they’d go in the small confines of the car, her hands gripping the soaked edge of her skirt as she stared up at the ceiling.

Trailing higher, my fingers brushed against her soaking wet, hot panties, and I wasted no time shoving them to the side and finding her clit. I rubbed it hard and fast as I dug my face into her neck, breathing her in.

“Tell me, little fawn. Did you like reading about that old man forcing that girl to suck his cock?” I murmured, pressing kisses to her neck. My fingers slid from her clit and pressed inside her, spreading them apart and stretching her tight cunt. “Did you fantasize about us while you read?”

“I—I thought of you,” she admitted, pressing her head against the headrest.

“I know you did, baby.” Pressing my lips against her neck, I roughly sucked the skin into my mouth before biting down. Her back bowed off the seat, a small whimper leaving her at the sting of pain. “How about you do that for me now? Put your pretty mouth around your old professor’s cock and suck him off.”

Her breath hitched at the words, but I ignored it. She would suck my cock today, one way or another. I ground the heel of my palm against her clit as I curled my fingers inside her.

“Put your feet on the edge of the seat,” I instructed, and watched her throat bob as she swallowed, her eyes darting to mine as she obeyed. Her shoes smeared mud all over the leather seat, but I’d clean them later. Right now, all I cared about was this moment. “Are you going to be a good girl, little fawn? Or do I need to make you do it?” I bit gently on her earlobe, my hand still working her higher. “Good girls come. Bad girls get fucked in the ass.”

I slid my fingers from her pussy and pressed them lower. The tip of my middle finger circled her asshole, and her eyes flew open. Reaching out, she gripped my forearm with both of her hands as she stared at me.

“What will it be?” I pressed my finger against her hole until it slipped in. I forced it in deeper before adding a second finger.

“That’s—that’s too much!” she cried, her nails digging into my arm.

“You know what to do to make it stop, don’t you?” I murmured, forcing my fingers apart and stretching her asshole. I knew it had to be painful, but I didn’t care. She had to learn that she was here for my own personal use.

“Okay,” she whined. “Please. Okay.” I ignored her words and continued fucking her ass hard and fast with my fingers, grinding my palm into her clit. Her ass tightened around me—she was clearly enjoying this.

“Come first,” I ground out. “Show me how much you like me stretching your ass.”

Her eyes squeezed shut as she rested her head back again as she braced her feet higher on the seat, opening herself more for me. Yeah, the little slut was enjoying herself. No matter how much she wanted to fight it and pretend like she wasn’t, she was. We both knew it.
