Page 101 of Captive Heart

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"It's haunting," I reply softly, gazing at where sky meets ocean on a misty horizon.

His silence invites confidences, offering solace for ghosts lingering at my mind's edge. Sensing shadows clinging to my soul, Hades reaches out a hand to touch mine. His touch is gentle yet purposeful. It's a gesture of solidarity acknowledging our shared scars.

"Everyone faces their storms," he murmurs as his eyes remain fixed on the placid deep blue water.

"Indeed," I concede while inhaling salty air deeply. "But some tempests are harder to outrun."

He nods as though understanding. Empathy gleams darkly in his eyes like hidden flames. Without prying further into my troubles, his fingers entwine with mine. anchoring me against memories threatening to overwhelm my newfound peace. In that simple touch lies comfort and safety amidst personal chaos.

"Thank you," I whisper not only for his current reassurance but for being a haven since our paths collided tumultuously one fateful day.

"No need for thanks," he responds with a deep timbre blending with sea whispers around us. "We're all seeking safe passage through life's hazards."

I squeeze his hand silently affirming our unspoken connection - an emerging allegiance not based on blood or necessity but something more profound and rare.

The coarse sand beneath my bare feet seems to hum with restless energy, mirroring the silent verve between Hades and me. The moon above silently witnesses our dance of shadows and light, casting us in an ethereal glow.

His presence plucks at my arms and legs like a magnetic field, trying to force me closer with an invisible force I can't resist. My pulse quickens as he shoots me a glance, his deep-set eyes drawing me in. Our gazes lock like the string of a violin before the bow strikes. It's a moment suspended in time, charged with potential.

As if the intimacy is too potent, we both look away to the dark sea meeting the sky.

This side of him is rarely seen—a man who seeks solace in the silence of the wild, far from the empire of steel and glass he commands. The night deepens, the sky turning into an obsidian backdrop pierced by countless glinting stars. We resume our walk along the shore, steps measured and unhurried, each footfall leaving a delicate imprint on the cool sand. The moment stretches, taut and precious, filled with a heavy breath of yearning unspoken between us.

The air crackles with unspoken desires, a magnetic pull drawing us closer. Yet we remain apart, two souls adrift on tides of possibility under the stars' gaze.

At length, we turn back, heading down the beach following our own sandy footprints. Our shadows dance like phantoms on ancient seaside town walls. Night cloaks everything in somber hues, transforming day's bustle into introspective twilight. The town breathes around us rhythmically, lulling the world into tranquility.

Hades has already thought to book us a hotel. One room, one bed. The implication is obvious and yet I don’t protest. It would be silly to make a fuss when we both know exactly how we want this night to end. How we need it, maybe.

He guides me toward the hotel as if he has been here before. I don’t want to know. I’m too afraid to ask if I am the first woman that he has brought to this place.

The door to our accommodations creaks open. Its protest fades in the whispering wind that follows us inside. Hades closes it with a soft click and seals us away from the restless cool night air. Moonlight spills through gauzy curtains into our dim room bathing the king-size bed in an ethereal glow.

His gaze ensnares me with dark intensity promising uncharted realms of pleasure and pain. My pulse thrums in anticipation and trepidation. I’m ready for him.

Eager for all he will give me tonight.



The second we’re inside my door, he picks me up and carries me into my bedroom. Hades sets me down and sits back on my bed.

He looks me up and down, his gaze dark and piercing. It seems like he sees right into my very soul. I feel almost shy, like I should have worn more than this skimpy dress, but it doesn’t matter. He grabs my hands when I try to cover myself, then pulls me onto his lap.

“Do you have any idea how fucking hot ye are?” he growls into my ear. I moan and shift to straddle his big body, moving closer any way I can.

I flush hot all over. Straddling him like this, it’s impossible not to feel his hardened cock through his jeans. It feels long and thick and perfect. I get a flash of how good it will feel inside my pussy, stretching me out and making me writhe in ecstasy.

“Maybe,” I whisper. The air in the room feels too hot on my skin, too heavy.

“Ye definitely don’t,” he says, sliding his hand into my hair and bringing me down to meet his lips. I enjoy the little bit of pain as he grips my hair, controlling me.

I kiss him, enjoying the warmth rising up from his body. He moves down to kiss my neck, which makes me shudder with pleasure. He squeezes one of my breasts, his movements lazy and slow. My body burns for his, the fire spreading first between my breasts and then down between my legs.

I rock my hips against his, craving his touch. My breasts, my ass, my pussy... they’re all aflame, and his magic touch is the only thing that will soothe the insistent burn. I slide my hand down my belly. He sucks in a breath as my hand creeps down between our bodies.

“Not so fast,” he says, using his grip on my hair to pull my head back. “I want ye to get off my lap and get naked.”
