Page 191 of Captive Heart

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The light of dawn has scarcely begun to flirt with the horizon when Hades' voice—a timbre resonant with concern—stirs stillness in our chamber. "Let's visit the nursery," he murmurs. His suggestion is a tender balm to weariness clinging to my bones like morning dew.

"Are you sure?" I whisper.

“Never been so sure about anything.” Gently, Hades helps me from the bed and walks me to the room next door. I gasp when he pushes the door open

“Every detail," Hades says, pride evident in his voice. "I choose with our baby in mind."

My heart swells, the chambers overrun with an emotion so powerful it threatened to escape through the seams of my being. The opulence of the nursery paled in comparison to the wealth of his love, each item a testament to his determination to provide a bastion of comfort for our baby.

My heart hurts. I clench my fist against my chest.

"Each thread, every color... It's so perfect," I manage. My words are a faltering tribute to the man who now stands beside me. Surrounded by Hades' lavish displays of devotion, I don't just see a nursery; I behold our future—an enclave of tenderness where our child will flourish under the banner of our love.

Hades guides me to a plush armchair, its ivory upholstery whispering promises of comfort. With gentle care that belies his usual authoritative demeanor, he arranges cushions around my swollen form, cocooning me in their soft embrace. Sinking into the chair, a sigh escapes my lips, revealing the toll exacted by pregnancy.

"Rest here," Hades murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. Crossing the room purposefully, sunlight dances on the nursery floor behind his silhouette. Returning with a crystal glass that shimmers like liquid diamonds in the light, he places it within easy reach on a side table.

"Thank you," I whisper as our fingers brush while taking the cool glass. His eyes lock onto mine, swirling with unspoken fears and intertwined hopes.

As he settles beside me, the room hums with palpable energy. The nursery's creams and pastels glow softly through gauzy curtains as shadows play on walls cast by delicate mobiles dancing a silent waltz.

Each meticulously chosen piece captivates me. The ornate crib standing sentinel over dreams yet to come. Soft blankets awaiting tender swaddling. Storybooks eager to spill tales of adventure and magic from colorful spines.

The sanctuary's serenity envelops me, a haven sculpted from love and fierce protectiveness. Running a hand over my rounded belly, anticipation flutters like a caged bird eager for flight. Soon this room will echo with our baby's cries as our lives unfurl into new chapters penned with devotion and bound by family threads.

"Can you imagine?" I whisper, lost in what lies ahead. "Our little one right here with us."

Hades' gaze softens; fatherhood blunting the dragon's edges. "I can," he says intertwining our hands. "And soon I won’t have to imagine. He’ll be here."

His touch grounds me amidst swirling emotions threatening to overwhelm. Here in the nursery's tranquility basking in shared anticipation, excitement for meeting our beloved soul soon to join us.

Hades' shadow gently eclipses me in the pastel haven of the nursery. His lips meet my forehead warming away lingering fears. His cologne’s rich earthy scent envelops us.

Leaning forward to hug him, I nestle into the stronghold of his arms, finding comfort in the assurance laced within his words. Though love has subdued the wraith within him, his unwavering strength remains. It is a formidable barrier against the ghosts of my past.

“Lass,” Hades whispers, a large hand stroking through my hair. “Do ye like the nursery?”


A sudden surge of pain slices through me, sharply dividing the moment in two. My breath catches, eyes widening as the realization hits me like a looming storm.

This is it. This is the unmistakable onset of a new chapter, the initial drumbeat of labor's inevitable march.

"Ah!" I gasp involuntarily, signaling the imminent arrival of new life. “Hades!!”

"Is it—" Hades starts, his voice tinged with concern.

"It's time," I murmur. I cling to him tightly, my heart racing in anticipation of what's to come. Excitement and apprehension intertwine within me, each contraction building like a crescendo beneath my skin.

"Ready?" His question is more a declaration. A vow sealed with the weight of impending fatherhood.

"I'm ready," I confirm, though traces of doubt linger at the edges of my determination. With Hades as my unwavering guardian, I brace myself for the journey ahead. Where agony will give way to bliss and together we'll welcome our newest legacy architect.

Hades envelops me in his arms like an impenetrable fortress against the waves of pain. His voice, typically commanding thunderous authority, now murmurs gentle guidance with urgent serenity that belies my inner turmoil. "Breathe, Penny. Just breathe with me."

The contraction ripples through me like an unwelcome intruder tearing at my core. I hold onto Hades tightly, relying on his strength to compensate for my vulnerability. With each laborious step toward our bedroom, he remains a constant amidst chaos. An anchor in my tumultuous universe.

"Concentrate on my voice," he instructs soothingly as another wave crashes over me. The sharp and insistent ache threatens to overwhelm me but Hades' firm grip keeps me grounded in reality. His whispers weave around us like a lifeline, fortifying my resolve with unwavering support.
