Page 62 of Marco

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Yawning, I stretch in the seat. First class is amazing––best sleep I ever had. When I worked as a flight attendant we didn't get perks like this.

Together, Marco and I watch through the window as the plane descends and glides smoothly onto the tarmac. As we land the plane jostles us so Marco pulls me to him, squeezing my body. I hug him tight not out of fear or to steady myself, but out of a rush of emotion. I can’t quite explain it, but up until now everything has felt like a dream, a fairytale. But landing back in LA, my home, with Marco…suddenly it all feels a little more real.

Once the seatbelt sign flicks off, we stand and head down the aisle. I try to spot Sally, but she's not anywhere near the exit. Drew, though, is hovering by the bridge. His face is dark as he stares at the phone in my hand.

He doesn't notice me as I pass. He's that engrossed. But before Marco and I get to the end of the bridge, I hear Drew shout. "What the fuck?"

Twisting, I watch as he presses his phone to his ear, talking angrily. He has no regard for the passengers squeezing by him with nervous looks. "What the hell is going on?" he demands. "Why do I have a voice mail saying I've beenfired?"

Gasping, I stare up at Marco. He gives me a knowing smile. "How?" I whisper.

"Fun fact," Marco says, pulling me away from the scene. "The CEO of this airline is a close friend of Trey's."

"On the were sending an email to him."

"I just explained that me and my girlfriend had an awful experience with one of his employees on this flight. Which was the truth."

Blown away by the power Marco casually wields, I glance back again at Drew. I'm just in time to catch him sprinting towards us. His face is like a storm cloud. "You bitch!" he yells.

Sally hooks her arm around his neck from behind, tossing him to the ground. She strikes a stance that makes me positive she takes martial arts of some variety. "Stay away from her!" Sally shouts.

I watch the scuffle in front of me, my eyes wide. Sally fights like a wild woman, tripping Drew and knocking him to the ground before kicking him away. Drew jumps back to his feet and comes at us again; Sally dodges him and grabs him from behind, locking his arms in a submission hold. "Come on," Sally says to Drew. "You don't want me to do this, do you?"

The fight drains out of him. He shakes his head. "Okay, okay! Fuck!"

Sally releases him and he stumbles back, rubbing his tender neck and glaring at all of us. "I don't know how you convinced my boss to fire me, but I won't let this go quietly."

"Yes, you will," I say, squaring up with him. "You didn't have to do things this way, Drew. You could have offered that passenger a voucher, or asked Sally to apologize, or at the very least, talked to us! Instead you jumped straight to blackmailing Sally to make your job easier."

Sally is giving me a look of pure disbelief. She wipes her eyes that are welling with tears. "Filia..."

I poke Drew in the chest; he recoils. "You didn't do any of this for the passengers. You did it for your ego. You don't deserve this job. Get out of here."

He puffs up his chest as if he plans to spit some counter argument. A big hand settles on my shoulder; Marco. Drew looks up at him, wilting under the bigger man's aura of dominance.

Without another word, Drew half-sprints, half-jogs through the airport. He vanishes into the crowd.

"Do you think he'll try and get back at us for this?" I ask.

"No," Marco huffs. "He's a coward. No one with a backbone would do what he did to your friend."

Sally perks up, facing me with wide, tear-filled eyes. She opens her mouth, shuts it, considers what she wants to say thenhrows her arms around me as she gives me a massive hug. "Filia! Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me," I laugh dryly. "It's my fault this happened to you."

"No! Not at all! I made the decision to spill that wine."

"Sure, but you were trying to help me."

Releasing me, she smiles at Marco while arching her brows. "Guess it worked, huh?"

I must be pink from my forehead to my throat. Marco chuckles, his hand gripping my middle. "Yes, it worked."

"I should thank you, too," she says to him. "You did something to get him fired, right? Filia doesn't have that kind of pull."

Marco shrugs dismissively. "A guy like Drew would have been fired eventually. His nature is too toxic to avoid it."

"Probably," she agrees. Sally beams at me. "This is great. I bet Marco could get you your job back, too!"
