Page 101 of Forever Flaunting

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Max had been at her side, without fail, for every moment. Their hands had been linked as she’d pushed Ember into the world, he’d slept in a chair nearby at the hospital, and had picked up the workload at the office, helping as much as possible. He’d even tackled the problem of her parents who’d arrived to see the baby.

“You are welcome to come in and celebrate with us – but so help me, if you look crossways at Elana, make a remark to hurt her feelings, or even blink at my wife the wrong way… I’ll toss you out,” he’d said bluntly at the doorway, protecting her. “You are her family and always welcome, but she’s my world – and you aren’t going to come inside and disrupt her moment of joy. Ya’ got me?”

And for the first time in her life, her parents celebrated with her. They were proud of her, marveled at Ember, and even praised Max. They talked without the bitter comments, dredging up her past, or criticizing things about her house, her weight, or her relationship – and she knew Max hadn’t been joking. He would have thrown them out if they had so much as looked at her sideways— for her.

“Auntie Elana,” Lucas ran over, hugging her legs. “Can I see Ember?”

“Me too! Me too!” Lilah chimed in, tugging at her pants.

“Why don’t you sit down,” Max urged tenderly, pulling a chair away from where Houdini was about to sit down… only to see the man stumble.

“What the heck, Inferno?!” Houdini snapped hotly.

“Yo, this sexy thing is in need of a chair,” Max retorted, gesturing at Elana before pointing at Houdini. “More than that sexy thing…”

“Freak,” the man muttered, laughing and looking uncomfortable as everyone was chuckling around them.

“I thought I missed Inferno’s mouth,” Valkyrie smirked. “Turns out I really didn’t.”

“Meh, you love me, and you know it…”

“We all do, brother,” Alpo chimed in out of nowhere, walking past them, and slapped Max on the butt, causing her husband to jump wide-eyed as he made a noise in his throat.

“See?” Elana chuckled pointedly. “It’s a little unnerving.”

“Because it’s a man?!” Max screeched loudly, causing Ember to scrunch up her nose angrily just before letting out a mewl of distress. “Don’t make me wake my kid up, Alpo… or I’m giving your two little turds espresso!”

“Hey, now!” Glory snapped protectively, shooting to her feet. “Nobody calls my angels ‘turds’ – except me!”

“Now you did it,” Alpo muttered, covering his mouth. “Even if I agree sometimes. Now, where are Michael and Madison?”

“You apologize right now, Inferno!”

Elana nudged his elbow, giving him a harsh look.

“You wouldn’t let anyone call Ember a name – would you?”

“I’m sorry, Glory. Your out-of-control children are not turds and certainly are not shoving thirty straws in the sheet cake that says, ‘Congratulations Max!’ on the far table – something that I wasn’t going to mention because I didn’t want anyone to be upset at the party. Ohhh no, they are not turds in the slightest and completely well-behaved.”

Glory’s eyes widened as she uncrossed her arms and shared a horrified look with Alpo that made several people laugh nearby before exclaiming ‘Oh well, pooh!’. Glory charged toward the duo that were still inserting straws into the chocolate cake making it look like a sugary erector set as they balanced a cupcake on top of the straws.

“You know that will be us in a few years,” Max chuckled, sharing a knowing smile, before kissing the baby’s fine hair once more… and then her lips softly. “I love you – and can’t wait. Oh, and I got you a little something.”

“You did?”

Her husband tugged her away from the others as they weaved through the crowd of pilots, wives, children, and firefighters who were all in attendance, celebrating. He pulled her into the bathroom and turned the deadbolt on the door.

“Oooh, a public restroom,” Elana teased. “How kinky, husband…”

“I wish,” he muttered, grinning at her. “Five more weeks, and I’ve got it marked on the calendar at the house in red ink, circled about ten times.”

“I just bet you do,” she laughed… and it faded as he pulled out a brightly colored velvet box. “What’s that?”

“A surprise.”

“Max…” she whispered, stunned, and met his loving gaze.

“What? It’s just a little something for the hottest mom around these parts.”
