Page 35 of Forever Flaunting

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“You met me, and suddenly you’re a changed man?” she scoffed, chuckling. “I don’t think so because that’s not how things work in the world.”

Only to see his face turn toward hers as he smiled sadly.

“I can’t wait to prove that you’re wrong about me.”

The conversation could have ended there, but it would have been so wrong, she thought, feeling like a heel. She had basically shared some of her inner fears, insecurities, and cast that upon him because she was jaded about people, and it was unfair to him. He’d been nothing but polite, sweet, tender, and gentle toward her. He was putting forth the effort even if it was backfiring in his face and hadn’t stopped trying yet.

Wasn’t that what she wanted?

Someone who cared and wouldn’t give up?

“I hope you do, Max,” she whispered openly, not shying away from his dark gaze as he watched her. “I really hope you do because I would like to genuinely believe in magic, fairy tales, and that people do change when they meet the right person.”

“I know,” he breathed, taking her hand in his. “It might be a slightly bumpy ride, but don’t give up.”

“I’m not,” she smiled gingerly, nodding.

An hour later, Max drove her back to the office so she could get her car. He then followed her back to the house. This surprised her, until he claimed he wanted to make sure she got home easily.

She felt her heart beating wildly in her chest as he walked beside her toward the front door. They’d done this very thing yesterday and it resulted in a disaster between them. He’d gone inside her home, acted up, and they’d ended up getting upset. She had been so frustrated she cried, he was yelling from her bedroom and it was just a mess – with a capital ‘M.’

Now, she was unlocking her front door and felt his hand at her elbow, causing her to pause there on the stoop. Looking at him, she saw his nervous smile and heard him let out a slight laugh as he shook his head in disbelief.

“I can’t believe this,” he muttered under his breath.

“What?” she asked, suddenly curious as the strange emotions flitted over his expressive face as he leaned toward her. Was he going to kiss her?

And his lips touched her cheek.

“Good night, Kitten,” he whispered against her skin. “I’ve enjoyed seeing you smile and hearing your laugh tonight. Thank you for sharing your time with me.”

Max backed away and cupped her face tenderly, staring at her.

She was dumbstruck.

“What’s happening?” she breathed, reaching up to touch his hand. “Do you want some coffee? Don’t you want to make some dirty joke or go through my underwear drawer?”

And heard his laugh as he smiled at her.

“As it turns out, guys actually do change when they meet the right girl,” Max said softly, leaning forward and kissing the tip of her nose before brushing his own against hers. “Sweet dreams, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I don’t understand…”

“I’m not sure I do either,” he smiled ruefully.

“I have court tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll see you in court – and it will feel so strange not to be worried about my own rear end for once.”

She stood there, holding his hand against her cheek, completely taken aback. Her eyes searched his as he smiled at her tenderly, his thumb brushing against her cheekbone.

“I don’t understand…” she repeated numbly, flabbergasted and confused. “You’re not pushing me for more? For that?” She made a few hand gestures that caused Max to throw back his head, laughing in delight.

“Babe, I had no idea you spoke sign language.”

“I don’t, silly… but I do speak ‘Max’ apparently.”

“No,” he chuckled, obviously delighted, and he picked up her hand, kissing her fingertips sweetly. “I don’t think you do.”
