Page 41 of Forever Flaunting

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“Because I filled out in all the right places – yes. You’ve mentioned it often.”

She walked down the narrow hallways towards one of the rooms. That was one thing about Jimmy’s place; it might look like a dump on the outside, but inside, the man made sure everything was clean and pristine. He was very proud of his shop and didn’t fool around.

“Oh no, kitten,” he replied, hot on her heels. “Your brain is super sexy.”

“My brain?” she laughed, smiling, and turned to look at him.

“The way you think, the way you are smart… have I mentioned that being smart is like the biggest turn-on for me?”

“I’m cool with this,” Jimmy grinned, laughing and obviously overhearing their private conversation. “A lot of guys like nerds.”

“Smart, sexy, aggressive nerds with…”

“Don’t say it.”

“Boobs, tattoos, and thigh gap.”

“… And there it is,” she muttered, shaking her head, causing Jimmy to laugh aloud as she chuckled nervously. “Ignore my friend.”

“My little dude-ette, your friend thinks like most of my friends,” Jimmy grinned. “Who’s in the chair first?”

“Him,” Elana blurted out, pointing at Max. “He knows what he wants.”

“Show me what you have in mind,” Jimmy ordered – and Max looked at her, causing Elana to angle her head in confusion. Why was he looking at her?

“I want a band around my upper arm that looks like flames, due to my call sign,” he began, and he paused, glancing at her again.

She looked at him, suddenly curious as to what was going through his mind.

“Inferno,” Max said proudly. “My call sign is Inferno as a tribute to my brother, the fire chief… but I want the flames to look special.”

“Special? How? What do you have in mind?”

“Nothing,” Max hesitated and looked away.

“I can leave the room if you are shy,” Elana volunteered, surprised – only to see him look at her and chuckle.

“Kitten, I’m not shy in the slightest. There ain’t one single shy bone in my body, and you should know that by now. I’d strip down to my socks if it wouldn’t send you running out of here or cause you to never talk to me again,” he laughed openly and bumped knuckles with Jimmy before catching her eye as he spoke to the other man. “I want her name colored in the flames.”

“What?” she breathed, stunned.

“I can do that,” Jimmy nodded. “Pick an arm and take your shirt off. I’ll prepare my things. I’m assuming red, orange, and yellow?”

“Yes,” Max said simply and stood up from the chair, yanking off his tie and not looking away from Elana. She felt like she suddenly couldn’t breathe and that the room was a million degrees warmer in there as he yanked his dress shirt out and began unbuttoning it – staring at her.

“I’ll wait in the hallway,” she said hoarsely.

“The entire time?” Max questioned quietly. “I don’t think so. Have a seat and keep me company.”

Nodding silently, she looked away and perched on a stool nearby – only to see his shirt enter her line of vision.

“Will you hold this for me?” Max asked and sat down in the chair near her – and heaven help her, she met his eyes, and they drifted over his chest. Max was deeply tanned and had a Maltese Cross on his pectoral muscle just above his heart that said ‘Carpenter’ with a few numbers on it.

“Is that for your brother?” she whispered.

“Yes. I was so proud of him and always will be.”

“You really don’t need to tattoo my name on your arm, you know.”
