Page 62 of Forever Flaunting

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“I’m serious. Don’t unshackle me. I’d rather stay like this and have you sprawled all over me…”

“I’m not going to sprawl myself all over you,” she interrupted, smiling.

“But you could,” he stressed pointedly. “And I want nothing to hold you back if you get the urge. I mean, just look at me. I cannot move and sure can’t start something else.”

“I’m looking at you,” she chuckled. “You are tied up like a dressed pig.”

“Sooooie!” he called, making her laugh even more as she propped herself onto her elbow to look at him a little easier. “Seriously, kitten. Climb up here and kiss your piggy-man.”

“Oh my gosh,” she laughed. “You are crazy, Max.”

“I’m crazy about you,” he admitted softly, smiling tenderly at her… and she caught her breath, looking at him. He didn’t say anything, just waiting, his eyes so full of longing. “I was really scared last night – and I am so sorry.”

“Quit apologizing,” she whispered, her eyes dropping to his lips. “Kiss you, huh?”

“If you want…” he said huskily, waiting. Every muscle in the man beside her was tense in anticipation – and suddenly, she wanted to kiss him. It was already Saturday, and he was going to be leaving first thing Monday morning for who knows how long. While she wasn’t ready to sleep with someone because she truly believed the heart needed to be involved, her own heart was certainly fluttering with him near.

“Like this,” she whispered and slid a leg over his stomach. His breath exploded from him in realization, nearly laughing at the choked words he hissed as he gazed up at her with indescribable adoration. The expression on his face was everything.

He wanted sprawled… and she was.

Lying against his chest, a leg on either side of his torso felt so awkward, and she worried she was crushing him – but the man looked far from miserable. She was careful to avoid sitting on the chains wrapped around him – a reminder that she was playing with fire and things had a tendency to ignite quickly between them. His rapt face was heady to her very self-conscious inner being.

Leaning closer toward him, Max made a slight noise and strained to close the gap between them. He obviously wanted to kiss her as well. The cords on his neck were standing as he tried desperately to lift himself higher off the pillow.

“Oh my gosh… I had no idea you were a tease,” he said baldly. “I love it.”

“I’m not teasing you,” she countered softly, touching his cheek with her fingertip. “I’m just not in a hurry. I want to take my time and enjoy this.”

“I’m gonna expire – keel right over of heart failure…” he whimpered. “Can a man die from a strained muscle in his neck? I wanna be reincarnated as a giraffe. Oh mercy, do I seriously want to be a giraffe right now!”

She chuckled, smiling at his crazy words that made her feel so beautiful. Maybe that was what it was when he looked at her; she saw how he gazed at her, and that singular look made her feel pretty.

Leaning down closer, she heard the metal rattling against itself as he strained to lift himself up a little further and could feel his abdomen tensing at the effort beneath her where she was straddling him in her leggings.

“Please, kitten…” he begged, and she leaned closer, brushing her nose against his like he’d done to her. She couldn’t help the satisfied smile that touched her lips as he murmured something incoherently – only to close that gap between them. Her lips brushed against his, and she tasted toothpaste. Backing away, she looked at him in confusion.

“Did you brush your teeth after we were kissing? Did I leave a weird taste earlier, or do I have bad breath now?”

“No, oh gosh no, kiss me again,” he pleaded. “I get sick when I get nervous, and there was no way I was coming back here without brushing, flossing, and doing some serious Listerine duty…”

“You threw up… because you were scared?”

“Nearly messed my pants,” he confessed, leaning up to kiss her again, like his words were tossed out there casually – and she laughed wildly, collapsing and putting her head beside his, hugging him. It was just so brutally honest, so classically him, and completely out of left field that she hadn’t expected it.

“I thought I’d destroyed us before we ever had a chance to start, and you literally scared the sh… poo. You scared the shpoo outta me.”

“Language,” she chuckled, leaning up to look at him again.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I promise to work on that. Shpoo sounds better anyhow.”

“You’re a goofball,” she smiled, tracing his features with her fingertip. “I think I like it, but please don’t get sick. I’d rather we talked.”

“Me too,” he grimaced. “I hate that I have a tender tummy. It’s not exactly manly, you know. I’ve got more manly things that I’d rather discuss or share with you – for example – my manly lips. I mean, check them out… eh?”

He made a few loud kisses at her, blatantly hinting as she looked at him. There was just something about him that seemed to strike every chord in her, completely charming her with the dumbest things possible – and wondered if he felt the same way about her. He said he was ‘crazy about her,’ but perhaps he was just teetering on being weird in general.

“Kiss you, huh?”

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