Page 75 of Forever Flaunting

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“Outfield – and this is Inferno.”

“Nice to meet you both… and Inferno?”

“Yes, Captain?” Max said, snapping to attention immediately.

“At ease,” Piranha said simply, signaling him off. “Keep your opinions to yourself, please – I would hate to snuff you out.”

He did not miss the implied threat from the woman as they heard Cavalier’s voice down the hallway. No, there was something in her expression that told him she wouldn’t take any grief from anyone. There was an edge to her, making him miss his sweet Kitten even more.

“C’mon, Piranha… let’s go.”

The second they were out of earshot, Max turned to Outfield in horror – not holding back.

“Holy crow, Outfield… they got us a chick – and she’s a…”

“Inferno! That woman obviously isn’t afraid to draw back on you, and I really don’t think you want to look like Cavalier right now. Shut your yap and think of what Elana would say if you talked about her like that.”

“I never would – she’d yank my eyeteeth with a pair of rusty pliers…”

“Exactly. Show a little respect because I’m betting that just like Elana, that woman has worked hard for everything she’s done.”

“And she got stuck with Cavalier,” Max said, curling his lip in disgust and shaking his head. “The dude is a douchebag and arrogant as could be. You would think Reaper would have paired her with Bubbles or Sidewinder.”

“Bubbles… no. Sidewinder reminds me of Copperhead – too quiet, too controlled, and that man is likely to snap someday.”

“Truth,” Max blurted out, giving him a mocking salute. His legs were about to give out under him, and he wanted nothing more than to get a shower, drink some electrolytes, and crawl into his bunk. “Gotta do the husbandly stuff and email my chick…”

Outfield rolled his eyes and sighed. The man sure could be moody sometimes, but he was halfway decent and talked about his wife for several hours of the trip. Max plopped down in the first empty chair and logged in, quickly opening his email.

My sweet Kitten,

I’ll be honest… I’m a wreck.

See, I met this incredible woman on my trip – and well, my whole world was turned upside down. Now, I’ve blinked and I am back in the middle of the hottest litterbox in the world and just had to salute two large arrogant ‘turds’ in the hallway. It rankles my hide to think that they are my superiors, and I can’t say much more, or they might print my email and give me a little ‘talking to.’

Oh no! Gasp!

Whatevs… like I care? What are they gonna do, make me clean the bathrooms? Demote me again? Might be another FULL MOON out. Wouldn’t be the first time and won’t be the last, ya’ know?

I hope you are laughing – and I hope I dream of that sound tonight. I’m gonna check the calendar as soon as I can so we can plan our honeymoon. Soooo, where should we run away to together?

Always yours,


P.S. Can I ask a dumb favor? Can you spray some of your perfume on a piece of paper and mail it to me? I wanna shove it in my pillowcase. Apply it liberally, too. I’ll be huffing that scent like a crack addict getting his fix.

You are my crack, wifey-poo.

Miss ya!

Opening another screen, Max sighed heavily and did a search for ‘Trophy Wife lipstick’ – and found three different kinds, all various shades of pink. He put all three in the cart and ordered them with a gift note.

Which one? Pink is pink… unless it’s on your lips. Then it’s heaven.

Outfield was printing out something and smiling at the computer screen, making Max feel downright jealous. He was so afraid to tell Elana about his feelings because he didn’t want her to think he was spouting off garbage or trying to get his way with her. He seriously wanted it all – and for the first time in his life, he would do anything or give up everything to make someone else happy and not himself.

He clicked on the email again, hoping there was already a reply, but it was barely eight in the morning. Instead, he composed another email just to make him feel better, pretending he was actually talking to her.
