Page 19 of Tempting Reese

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“Yep,” Cash cocked a hip against her counter. He watched, drinking in every detail, waiting to see if she was going to bolt like she had all damn week. “That bother you?”

“He is a grown man. He can cook dinner for whoever he wants.”

“What’s with the cookbooks?”

Reese moved around her kitchen, aware his eyes followed her. “I have an interview tomorrow, and I have to decide what to bake for it.”

“You have to bake something to take to a job interview?” Cash said from right behind her.

“Shit, you move a lot quieter than Mav and Pappy,” Reese jumped, placing her hand on his chest.

“Beautiful, I want to hear all about your day, but I have to taste you,” Without waiting for permission, Cash greedily captured her mouth, stealing her breath and every thought running through her head. Grabbing handfuls of her ass, Cash lifted her onto the counter, never breaking the contact that seemed to be his lifeline to sanity.

Reese moaned, forgetting why she had been avoiding him all week. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she held him close, nestling his hard length against the throbbing heat between her legs. His fingers flexed, gripping her ass harder, creating the friction her body craved.

“Do I need to go eat in the garage?” Mav asked from the doorway of the kitchen.

“Shit,” Cash gulped for breath but didn’t move. His hands went from her ass to hold her legs in place, making Reese unable to move away from him. “Naw, Kid, we are going to eat at the table. Do me a favor and go brush your teeth or something.”

Mav snickered at Cash’s request, but Reese could hear his heavy footsteps on the stairs.

“Oh my god,” Reese groaned. “I can’t believe that just happened.”

“He knows I am interested in his mother. We talked about it. I was upfront with him, answered all his questions. What I want to know is why have you been avoiding me all week?”

Temper flared in her eyes a split second before she pushed him with both hands. “Who gave you the right to talk to my son about what you think you’re interested in?”

“Woman, there is no thinking about it,” Cash told her. Shaking her head in denial, he stopped her protests, rubbing his impressive length against her making her breath come out in shaky pants. He watched her bite her bottom lip trying to hide her reaction, but there was no mistaking her nipples begging for his hands and his mouth or the way her breathing kicked up a notch when he got close. She could lie to herself about wanting him, but he saw the truth in her lust-filled eyes.

“Time for thinking is done, Beautiful,” he said. “Mav and I talking isn’t what you are thinking. Your boy had questions about my intentions toward his mother. He has been the man of the house for some time now. Mav had the right to ask, and I answered, straight up, no lies. Neither one of us ended up bruised or bloodied.”

“What did he ask?” Reese demanded

Cash dropped a kiss on her head before slowly inhaling the scent he craved. “Man stuff,” he mumbled, bringing her in tighter. “Why are you avoiding me?”

“I had things to do,” Reese lamely replied. Cash’s grunt told her he wasn’t buying it. “Alright, I needed time to think.”

“You done thinking?”

“I don’t know,” she blew out a breath. “You seem so sure you know what you want. What happens when you decide that it isn’t me anymore? I can’t depend on anyone but me. How can you not see that?”

“Can we eat now?” Mav called from upstairs.

“Yes,” Reese called back, taking advantage of Cash’s slackened embrace to jump off the counter.

Mav’s footsteps thundered down the stairs sounding closer to an elephant than a fifteen-year-old boy.

“I am starved,” he said from the doorway. His feet skidded to a halt taking in the scene in front of him. Cash faced the cabinets with his back to the room while his mother stacked cookbooks as if her life depended on it. “Is everything okay?”

“It will be,” Cash said with the utmost confidence.

“I have a job interview tomorrow,” Reese piped up, telling them about her unexpected caller. “Now, all I have to do is decide what to bake.”

Cash sat quietly eating while Reese rattled on about her day, and Mav inhaled an entire pizza as he told her about theirs.

“Do you have time to make an apple pie?” Mav asked around a mouth full of pizza.

“Mav, you do have manners,” Reese reprimanded him. “I don’t have any apples. Sorry, kiddo, apple pie is out, but I was thinking maybe a cream pie or maybe a cake.”
