Page 23 of Terror

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A moment later, a very wet and very naked Terror steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. My mouth waters and my tongue feels like it’s hanging out, trying to catch every drip with it.

I look down at the floor. I know my face is as red as my hair at this point because I was totally gawking at him.

“You noticed that shit?” Terror asks him in a not so nice tone.

I suck in my lips looking between the two men. Terror is a huge man and Dante is huge too. If they got in a fight, my whole small apartment would be demolished.

“I knew he liked her, but I never suspected it was this deep,” he answers him.

Terror shakes his head. “Stupid fucker has always been a loser. We went to school together and I have heard rumors that he made girls uncomfortable. But it was always rumors, nothing concrete. We hired him at the shop as a manager because he was the most competent.”

“I honestly thought I was just being nice. I feel like it’s my fault somehow.”

Terror stands in front of me still in his towel. I try not look at the indentation of his dick showing through the towel.

I press my lips together, trying not freak out because it’s right there, at eye level. “This is not your fault, you did nothing. No matter what, you don’t deserve to have fucking scalding coffee thrown on you.”

I don’t reply back. “Do you think he will come back?” I try not to think about if he does and tries to hurt me.

“I have some clothes you can wear downstairs. I will get them,” Dante says.

That leaves me and Terror alone. “Stand your ass up and let me hold you because him throwing that shit at you scared me.”

I stand up and practically face-plant in his chest, letting him hold me to his bare chest. “I won’t let him hurt you, this I fucking promise,” he growls, tilting my head back so that he can kiss my forehead.

A knock at the door alerts that his clothes are here. I walk over and take them from him.

“I’m going to shower now,” I tell him and practically run into the shower to get this coffee off me, along with trying to comprehend what has happened today.

I let the water wash over me, my hands shaking when I place them on the wall in front of me.

Why do men think they can do whatever they want to women? This is not the first time a man has gotten angry at me for not being interested.

I’ve even had a few foster fathers who tried to get me to go to bed with them, but I wouldn’t, and I suffered because of it. I was starved by them trying to get me to give in, abused mentally.

I was never sexually abused unlike so many other girls in foster care and I thank God daily for that.

It could have been worse, but it just brought up a lot of old feelings. Does that make me weak that this has hurt my feelings? I wish I was someone who didn’t let things bother her.

I take way longer than necessary showering but needed a moment to myself. That’s when I realize I forgot my clothes. Oh shit.

I crack open the door. “Can you get me some clothes?” I ask Terror and shut the door enough that I can watch for him.

He is unfortunately clothed when he hands me some clothes through the crack of the door. I shut it gently and look at the clothes that he picked out for me.

It’s a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt, and a pair of fuzzy socks. I need to be warm and comfy right now. I laugh at the socks because they’re huge and the fuzziest ones that I have.

I get dressed and throw my wet hair into a braid down my back. I add some moisturizer to my face along with some body lotion that has a slight vanilla smell.

I nod to myself in the mirror forcing myself to relax. Pushing the door open, Terror is sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me.

He stands up. “Want to get out of here for the rest of the day?” he asks me, and I nod without hesitation.


He smiles and takes my hand. I look at the size difference between my hand and his; his dark tattoos to my very pale hands with a small smattering of freckles lining the skin.

The second our feet hit the bottom of the stairs, Marie runs over. “Are you both okay? I’m so shocked he did that; he has come here for years to eat.” Her hands are shaking.
