Page 27 of Terror

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“Fuck yeah, we can,” he tells me and pulls me up the stairs toward the first door on the right. The hardwood floor is dark, the walls are an off-white ivory color.

He pushes open a door that is slightly ajar. “This is my bedroom and where you will be sleeping tonight.”

I arch an eyebrow at him, licking my lips. “Is that so?” I ask, walking further into the room.

My first thought is about how huge the bed looks but oh, so comfortable. I’m not sure I can get on the bed unless I climbed onto it.

On the left side of the room is a gas fireplace with a massive flatscreen TV above it. “Here is my walk-in closet.” He pulls a door open, and I step inside. One side is completely empty, and the other has men’s clothes.

“This side is yours,” he comments and crosses his arms across his chest, leaning against a shelf.

I laugh at this. “You’re hilarious.”

I say this but my heart is racing at his words, because I think he means it.

Is that crazy?

But nothing about this has been exactly normal.

He moves onto the bathroom and shows me two sinks. “One side is yours but you’re welcome to share mine anytime.” He winks cheekily, and I snort with laughter.

I’m trying to convince myself that he is just joking, but his face is dead serious, stating otherwise.

“Your house is beautiful.” I eye the huge bathtub in the center of the room that is just begging for me to sink into.

My apartment only has a small shower and I have been craving a hot bath. Terror moves in front of me to see what I have been looking at. “In love?” he asks with an amused tone.

“This tub is what dreams are made of.” I sigh and eye it once more.

“Well, get in and I will fix us some dinner,” he tells me, and I beam. “Really?”

He laughs. “Yes, I will give you some of my clothes to put on. Towels and everything are on that shelf.” I look to where he is pointing at.

He walks to the door, giving me a satisfied smile like he is glad that I’m here. The second the door is closed, I lean against the counter happy.

Even after this morning, being here, around him, makes me happy. He makes me feel special, like I truly mean something.

That is a feeling that I’m not used to.

I strip out of my clothes, and I find a bath bomb that I steal. I fill the tub and slide in the hot water, my skin is probably going to melt off, but I love it. I keep my hand out of the water since it’s still wrapped, and I know the hot water will only aggravate it.

I close my eyes, sinking further into the warm water loving that it’s deep enough for my whole body to be underwater. I’m used to small tubs where I have to squeeze myself into it.

I spot a fireplace on the wall across the room and there’s even a TV above it that I didn’t notice until now.

This is pure luxury.

I spot Terror’s body wash sitting on the small little shelf next to the bathtub. I open the top and I take a deep breath, my eyes almost rolling back in my head. “God, he smells delicious.”

Not wasting a second, I lather myself in his soap, basking in his smell; the smell alone makes me feel safe.

I lean back, closing my eyes again, trying my best to keep my burnt hand out of the water.

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