Page 37 of Terror

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I rest my head on his shoulder, taking the short break before someone else comes into the diner.

Peering out of the window, the shades are drawn up so we can see out. My whole entire body freezes when I see a man standing across the street.

I feel like my heart stops. I hit Terror on the leg to get his attention and I point across the street to where the man is watching us.

The guy’s face is angry, and I swear I can almost feel the hatred beaming all the way over here.

Terror follows to where I’m pointing and he jumps to his feet, his knees hitting the top of the table.

It’s Seth.

He sees Terror standing up and takes off running down the street, disappearing around a corner.

He hasn’t given up? Why?

I don’t understand why he is doing this because he was just like every other customer before. What happened to make him like this? And why?

I look to the burns on the back of Terror’s neck, and it makes me sick that this man hurt him because of me, because I rejected him.

He is mentally unstable, and I’m scared that he is going to get worse or possibly try to kill Terror or me.

Cold sweat breaks out across my skin, and I’m sick to my stomach. “What is it?” Royal asks, noticing the look on Terror’s face.

I can see myself in the reflection of the napkin holder, I’m ghostly pale. “Seth was outside, watching us,” I answer for Terror.

Royal’s head snaps in the direction of where Terror is looking. I slide out of the booth, jumping when the door opens and other customers are coming in. I let out a deep breath, glad that it’s not Seth.

Naomi slides out of the booth and turns to face me. “Can I speak to you for a moment?” she asks me. She looks unsure and I move further out of earshot.

“What’s the matter?” I ask her. Terror moves to my side, running his hand along to the small of my back.

“I didn’t mean to overhear, but you mentioned Seth.”

I look at Terror, who’s straightened. I can feel his hand gripping my back tighter. “I grew up in this town and there have been rumors for years about him.”

Royal has long stopped eating his food and makes his way to stand next to Terror, his eyes on her.

We wait for her to finish.

“He is known for being inappropriate, but I have experienced it firsthand when I turned him down for a date. He exploded at my work, threw some stuff off the counter but that was the end of it.”

I become sick to my stomach. I take her hand hating that she has experienced that. “But my coworkers and almost every single woman, besides the older ones, have encountered him at one point. But him hurting you both is super extreme.”

She squeezes my hand. “You didn’t deserve that, neither of you did.”

“You didn’t fucking deserve that shit either. You have to be watchful of him and that pisses me right off,” Royal speaks for the first time and her eyes widen at his tone.

I suck in my bottom lip, pulling Terror with me as I take a step back and drag him back through the kitchen doors to give them privacy.

“What the fuck was that?” he asks me, and I laugh, peeking through the crack of the door. “They are speaking, the ice has been broken.”

He pulls me from the door, backing me away until my back is pressed against the door. “Now, I’m going to kiss you.”

I don’t have a chance to reply before I’m swarmed, his whole body flushed against mine, kissing me with everything in him.

My whole body awakens instantly, and everything falls away, just leaving me and Terror.

Seth is gone, all my worries of the past.
