Page 61 of Terror

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I sigh and pull the blanket over my shoulder, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.

chapter eleven


a few hours later

This time I hear the girls whimpering over the monitor. I reach over and shut it off before Terror can wake up.

I lift his arm and gently scoot out of bed, using my pillow in place of me so he doesn’t notice I’m gone.

I put on a bra and a pair of shorts from the closet before walking into the room next door where the girls are.

They’re sitting up on the mattress holding onto their tiny blankets. They stand up when they see me. “Aren’t you girls the cutest this morning.”

They run to me, and I take their little hands and help them down the stairs so they don’t fall.

“You girls want a cup of milk?” I ask and take them to the couch, throwing a blanket over their laps.

Josie gives me eager eyes, and I know that’s the answer. I fill up their cups and bring them back for them while I make their breakfast.

They lay back with their cups, and I just want to squeeze them, they’re so cute. I remember Julia mentioned Josie loves French toast.

I get busy making enough for the girls, me, and Terror. Just as I finish with the food, I hear a creak on the stairs, and I know that I’ve been caught.

Terror’s hair is mussed up on one side and I try to cover my smile at how cute that is. He’s also shirtless.

I bite my thumb, tearing my eyes away from his amazing stomach. This is my punishment for not waking him up knowing that I can’t have him just yet.

He glares at me, and I slide his plate across the table where he usually sits. He lifts the girls into their booster seats, buckling them in.

They dig into their food, and I sit down next to Terror. He takes ahold of my fork and feeds me a piece of my French toast. “I can feed myself.”

He gives me a look and I laugh covering my mouth so he doesn’t see the food in my mouth. Terror feeds me often, but usually I’m in his lap.

My phone dings, and I see it’s a text from Naomi saying she’ll be over within a couple of minutes to get the girls.

“You need to eat every bite. You are going to be eating for two now,” he informs me, but I allow him to take care of me. It’s not that I can’t do it myself, but it brings him pure enjoyment to do this for me.

The girls are just done eating when Naomi walks in. I pull her to the side. “Are you feeling better?” I ask. I know that Penelope’s biological mother is insane. I hope and pray that she lets it slide off her shoulders.

She nods. “Me and Royal talked. I’m going to get a backbone and I will face her if need be, to protect that little girl from that horrible...” She trails off, no more words are necessary.

I hug her. We are the most similar in personality. I can relate to her on a different level. “You are the best thing that ever happened to that little girl, don’t ever doubt that.”

We all can see a change in her now that Naomi is in her life. Royal did such a beautiful job raising her by himself, but Penny has clung to her. I will make sure she doesn’t stray because of that awful woman.

If I ever see her in person, I would be liable to knock her in the head.

Naomi smiles at my compliment. “Thank you. This is a dream, my life. I have to thank you for putting us together.” She blushes at the word together and I giggle at that because I get that too.

“These men are something special, huh?” I wink and she covers her face knowing I caught her double meaning.

Terror is eyeing us suspiciously. “Girls’ night in a couple of days?” I ask her and she nods. “You bet.”

The door is opened and Royal walks in. “Are my little girls ready to go?” Skylar and Josie reach for him, their hands are still sticky from the syrup, but he is not fazed.

“See you guys,” Terror tells them and walks them to the door. I look at the clock on the wall and it’s almost time to leave for the appointment. “I’m going to get dressed.”
