Page 68 of Terror

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I love the idea that my baby will grow up in this life. I know that if something happened to us, that someone would be there to take over caring for him or her.

Right when we start to take our food back to the living room, a gunshot goes off.

I gasp and drop the bag of chips onto the floor and it spills out. I run to the window and see if I can see what caused the gunfire.

There is a man at the gate, and his gun is out, and he’s pointing it at the lock. He’s trying to shoot the lock off to get inside.

All the men are gone, and it’s just the girls inside the property. “What is he doing?” Naomi asks, holding onto me. We are all trying to guess who it is.

It looks like he is screaming or cursing. He lifts his gun once more trying to shoot at the lock and break it.

Then an alarm goes off, blaring loudly. Daniella rushes to the door where the security system is. We run after her as she pushes a few buttons on the panel.

The house begins to make a weird humming sound that I’ve never heard before, then suddenly all the windows start make a popping sound like everything is locking into place. “I put the house on lockdown. If he manages to get past the gate, there is no way he can through the doors to this house.”

I let out a deep breath, not realizing I had been holding my breath this whole time. She pushes another button, and we are shown the camera at the gate.

The person standing in front of the gate takes my breath away. “It’s Seth! Holy shit! He is here.”

“Wait, that is Seth? He was the delivery driver earlier this week and wanted me to let him inside the gate when I pulled in, but I told him to leave it with the prospects,” Naomi tells me.

I want to throw up because I don’t want to think about what he would have done if he had gotten to Naomi or even if he got inside the grounds.

We just wait and watch as he tries every way to get inside the gate. There is nothing we can do, but wait.

chapter thirteen


We go to the meeting spot where Seth was supposed to be, but there is no trace of him ever being there.

I kick at a rock on the ground and it moves across the dirt path.

Something is not right about this.

I look at my brothers. Royal is running his hand down his face and his eyes come to mine in a rush. “This is a fucking set up. We need to get to the girls.”

My heart is in my throat. Fuck! Why didn’t I think of that? I get my phone out to text my woman, but I don’t get a chance because the alarm is alerting us that someone is at the gate trying to get inside.

“Fuck!” I slam my hand on the handlebars. No words are spoken by me or my brothers. The only thought is to get to my woman, to our ole ladies.

The drive is short, but it feels like it’s an hour long. The drive is the worst fucking kind of torture. And we all have faced some sort torture in the club in case something happens, and we are taken, we can withstand it to protect our families.

* * *

We pull up in a rage, and hit the pavement before he even has a chance to run.

Seth spins around to face us, the gun in his hand. His eyes are wild like he doesn’t have any life inside him anymore.

He looks worse since the last time we saw him. He looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks, has been living on the streets based on the stains on his clothes.

He lifts the gun and with very shaky hands, points it at us. We all duck behind our bikes to protect ourselves. “I will shoot you!” he screams. He can’t even hold the gun up straight because he’s shaking so badly.

“Seth, it’s over. You know we won’t allow you to leave alive,” I yell at him from behind the bike.

He screams manically, and grabs at his hair with his hands while holding the gun that is pointed toward the sky.

I take my chance lifting my gun and shooting the hand that is holding the gun. It flies out of his hand and drops to the ground feet from him. Blood is dripping from the center of his palm, and he holds it against his chest, screaming.
