Page 69 of Terror

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I step out from behind my bike and march toward him. He looks around trying to find a way to run but there is no running anymore.

His life is done for.

My hand shoots out and I grip his throat, throwing him against the gate right next to the lock he was shooting at.

“It’s over, Seth!” I yell in his face, squeezing his throat until his eyes roll back and he falls to the ground, his head banging off the ground.

“Let’s get this fucker into the basement.” Andrey helps me carry him inside the gate, and we walk with him to the clubhouse. We have ahold of his feet, the back of his head dragging along the rocks and pavement.

I look toward my house, and I see the girls standing in the window watching us. I press my hand to my heart, letting her know I’m okay.

I need to handle this so it never touches her again. We can put this behind us and bring our baby into the world without worrying about her or the baby’s safety.

Once we get in the basement, we make sure that the fucker’s head bounces on every single step.

He comes to once we reach the bottom of the steps, and we throw open the door. Holy shit, it’s freezing in here. I turn off the air conditioner and let it warm up enough so me and my brothers don’t die ourselves in here.

Arnold looks up and then to the floor where Seth is. He screams, and I slam the door shut. “Don’t scream for him yet, he’s the one who set you up,” I tell him, but it doesn’t faze him, he just screams and screams.

I believe he has finally lost it. His face looks like it’s rotten off. We drag Seth to the chair opposite Arnold so they can get a front row seat of each other’s torture.

“Seth, what have you gotten us into?” Arnold hisses and Seth barely lifts his head, looking to him and then to us. “He made me do everything; he is the one who did all of this,” Seth tries to lie his way out of this.

“Do you think we are stupid? The game is over for the both of you. You are going to die today and there is nothing you can do to change it.”

I circle around them, picking up the knife that I laid out. “You are going to be tortured until there is nothing left of you. You won’t be pleading for your life; you will plead for it to end.”

I bend down until I’m face to face with Seth. “But mercy won’t come until I decide that it’s time.”

I take the knife point down, slamming into his thigh making sure to avoid any major arteries.

Seth screams and it’s music to my ears. “Now that is the sound I want to hear!”

I nod to my brothers giving them permission to join in on the fun, but they know their deaths will be mine.

“Knight is a surgeon. Maybe I will cut off your dick and have him replace your tongue with it?” I force his mouth open, using the pliers and pull out his tongue, slicing off as much as I can. Knight hands me a hot knife to cauterize the wound so he doesn’t bleed to death before I’m ready for him to.

I don’t care why he did what he has done. It doesn’t matter because there is nothing he can say that would make the situation any better.

Arnold may have been persuaded by his brother to do this, but he was going to hurt her beyond repair.

Possibly even kill her.

I have the perfect way for them to die.

I’m not sure how long we have been in this basement as time tends to blur together. They are covered in blood from head to toe.

Looking through the knives, I find another one just like it. I slam it down into both their dicks, and they don’t even move, the pain barely registering. This time I do allow them to bleed to death slowly.

My brothers stayed with me through it all, never flinching because they have done the exact same thing for their women, besides Royal, and I hope to God that he doesn’t have to.

We leave them, their bodies lifeless, their blood running down the drain. Seth is no more and it's time to tell my woman so.

chapter fourteen


I have paced the floor for the last couple of hours. We all have been waiting, and watching, to see someone come out of the clubhouse.
