Page 67 of Just a Taste

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“Six-thirty.” I rub my palms over my face and roll myself off the bed before I can do anything stupid. I find my pants and pull on my underwear. When I look up, I find Ryker’s eyes on me. He’s pushed himself up on his elbows, just watching me with a thoughtful look on his face.

“What?” I ask as I’m pulling my T-shirt back on.

He shakes his head.


That look has too much intensity in it. There might be people out there who’d have the guts or curiosity to press further.

I’m not one of them.


I grab my things, mutter a, “Bye,” and head out.

Once outside in the cold early morning air, I let out a breath of relief. I look up toward Ryker’s window.

Never again.

“Hold it.”

I stop, close my eyes, and let out a silent curse.

I really thought I was in the clear. I mean, yeah, I saw the car, but I thought I could… sort of sneak past it? And pretend I was on the way out of my building.

I hang my head for a moment before I turn around.

Kelly is looking at me, ass leaning against the side of his car, a smirk on his face. He straightens up and strolls toward me.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” He tilts his head to the side, a deceptive look of mild curiosity on his face. “Having ourselves a little walk of shame, are we?”

“Walk of shame?” I repeat. “No. No, I’m just… What… what are you doing here?”

“Rach asked me to give this to you.” He hands me a book. “Thought I’d drop it off before you go to class because I was headed home from work anyway and passed your place.”

“Well… thanks.” I reach for the book, but just as I’m about to take it, he pulls it away and holds it out of my reach.

“So where were you?” he asks.

“I… was just coming from my morning run. You know, to clear my head. And center myself.”

“Uh-huh. I, too, like to run in my jeans,” Kelly says.

“It’s this new thing I’m trying. You know those wrestlers who wrap themselves in clingfilm and go to the sauna to lose weight quickly?”

“I don’t see the connection.”

“I’m just saying it’s about innovation. Effectiveness. I bet there are ways to make running better.”

“Mmm.” He takes a sip from his coffee cup. “Since when do you run?”

“It was a New Year’s resolution.”

“You don’t do those.”

“I thought I’d start. It seems to be all the rage. And this way I’ll have something to talk to people about at parties. Otherwise it’s just awkward silence.”

Kelly nods and takes another sip. “You could probably use some of that awkward silence now. It’s getting embarrassing for the both of us,” he says. “Come on. I’ll give you a ride.”
