Page 52 of Brutal King

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“You’re really good!”

She dips into a dramatic bow, holding up her duster with an elaborate flourish. “Thank you, thank you very much. I’ve been in two off-Broadway productions since I moved to the city from Florida last year. I had to get a side gig at the hotel to cover rent and other expenses, but this is my year, baby, I’m going to Broadway!” She sings the last word again, and my sullen mood instantly lifts. Without Rose around and being forced to work from home, I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed people. And not just moody, brooding mob bosses.

“That’s amazing. I wish I had a passion like that.” I slump down onto the bed as she flits around the bedroom like a fairy with wings.

She stops her manic dusting and swings a questioning gaze in my direction. “What are you doing here, chica? You’re not dating one of the brothers, are you?” Her lips pucker like the thought is the most revolting thing in the world. Either we’ve got really different taste in men, or she knows about the Rossi’s illicit dealings. “And what happened to your foot?” Her gaze traces down my bare leg to my wrapped ankle.

“I—I’m…” My words trail off because I can’t seem to find a logical answer. Nico and I certainly aren’t dating, and we’re far from friends. But somehow, I can’t seem to force out the true nature of our relationship. He kidnapped me, stalked me, and somehow became my savior all in a matter of months. And the other stuff… well, there’s no way I’m going into my twisted desire for the man. “I’m staying here temporarily while I heal,” I finally blurt.

Her dark brow lifts into an incredulous arc. She holds her stare for an excruciatingly long moment before she shrugs. “Okay.”

The slam of the front door has Blanca rushing into the adjoining bathroom. “The boss is home so back to work, chica. We’ll chat later.”

A mixture of anxiety and excitement tangle in my chest as heavy footfalls resonate across the marble floor of the penthouse. I’m filled with the most insane urge to hide.

“Maisy, where are you?” Nico’s voice echoes across the hallway.

My flight or fight instincts kick in and good golly, it’s nearly impossible to keep my feet still despite the faint ache in my ankle. I should’ve run back to my room or followed Blanca into the bathroom, but now I’m stuck.

“There you are.” A deep voice fills the room, seeping into every corner of my being.

Don’t turn around. I keep my gaze fixed to the colorful painting on the wall, a landscape of the quaint towns of Cinque Terre if memory serves me. Every year, my parents would drag my sister and me along with a troupe of nannies on whirlwind European tours. It would’ve been lovely if I’d only gotten to spend time with them instead of the au pair.

Soft footsteps pad across the plush carpet, and every nerve ending lights up at Nico’s approach. Warm breath spills across the back of my neck, and a shiver darts down my spine. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

It takes me a second to realize he’s speaking of the painting since my body is thrown into overdrive just at his mere presence, and I’m having trouble focusing. “Yes,” I finally answer.

“Do you like this room? It was the one I’d originally imagined you could stay in.” He inches closer, and my bare shoulder blades brush the fine fabric of his suit. “But I’d be more than happy to allow you to remain with me in my bedroom.”

I snort on a laugh. “Not happening.”

“Why do you have to be so difficult, little fox?”

“If by difficult you mean smart, geez, I don’t know.” I wrap my arms around myself to keep my fidgety fingers from reaching out to touch him. His hands close around my shoulders and spin me around to face him.

His dark brows are pinched, and fine lines furrow his brow.

“What’s wrong?”

The carefully constructed mask slips back into place, and an arrogant grin replaces the hint of worry. “Nothing,” he mumbles. “But I’m pleased that you care.”

“I don’t,” I bite out.

“Liar.” He snaps at my earlobe, just grazing the sensitive flesh, and I let out a squeal. Taking a step back, his dark gaze razes over me, pausing at my ankle. “How does it feel? Can you put all your weight on it?”

“Almost healed, I think. I’ll be back to work in no time.”

A growl rumbles in the back of his throat, the sound more beast than man. “I don’t think that’s a good idea given the Jasper situation.”

“Speaking of, how was your meeting? Did it have anything to do with finding him? Because I was thinking, I could talk to Rose and I’m sure Dante?—”

Nico’s hand lifts so fast I jump back, certain he’s about to strike me. Anger carves into his strong jaw, but he doesn’t make a move toward me. “Stop,” he grits out. “The day I ask my half-brother for help is my last day on this earth.” He grinds his jaw, teeth gnashing. “No, I take it back. I’d rather die a million times over than ask him to lift a finger for me.”

“It’s not for you, it’s for me.”

Nico closes the space between us, and I stagger back, hitting the fancy armoire. His hand wraps around my neck and jerks me toward him. “You’re mine, you come with the package. Anything relating to you directly impacts me. Don’t you see that?”

Narrowing my eyes at the possessive psycho, I grit out, “I. Am. Not. Yours.”
